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Why did you leave - what's your story ?


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Hi I left Sheffield in 1968 to go to Leeds, not a great place West Yorkshire was different to South Yorkshire, so I returned in 1972 lived back in Beighton at Chiwali Farm Drakehouse Lane. Then I moved to the South of England for work, but returned back to Sheffield 1977. Then moved to Pontefract for 25 years, but every week went to sheffield and Doncaster because of the people who are the most down to earth.

2 Years ago I moved to Inverness Scotland and the people in Inverness are so much like Sheffield Folk, they talk, even strangers will sy Good morning and have time for each other.

The things I miss are Hensons Relish, Cunninghams Picallie, the Castle Market Meat and Fish section especialy Cockels,Crab and all thefresh fish.


But mostly the Sheffield people and as your previous reply I am and always wil be a De- Da and proud of it. In Scotland I am a Yorkshire Man first English Second.

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Worked in a Bank 1960-65 but felt I needed to see how the other half lived so started by being a lock-keeper on the Thames, summer of '65. Then a milkman near Henley-on-Thames, then a barman in Beer. Breadman in Tavistock. Enjoyed my 4 year gap and re-started my career in computers at EDP on Solly Street then Shepcote Lane Rolling Mills.

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I left Sheffield in January of this year, purely and simply because of the house prices..

I lived in Stannington and loved it, but we needed a bigger house and the house prices up there were silly and we just couldn't afford to stay in Stannington.. Some friends of ours lived here in Kimberworth and we thought it was a nice area, so we had a look at the house prices around here and we were quite shocked at the houses you could get for good money..MUCH less than you'd pay in Stannington, and bigger and nicer houses..So we thought, Why not .. So we did..And to be honest, I'm not that far from the Sheffield/Rotherham border, so to me, I still feel like I'm at home..

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I left in 1999 because I felt the city was being left behind. The roads were terrible and IT related jobs were few and far between.


Moving to Manchester really opened my eyes and the Commonwealth Games and the whole regeneration going on really has made it a force to be reckoned with and a city to be proud of - it just always seems lively and happening - even on a weekday evening as many shops stay open until 8pm. And standing at the entrance to the new Beetham tower and looking up is just amazing, especially at night when it's lit up!


Plus, the roads are very good and I'm a lot closer to the sea than I was in Sheffield - I always wanted to cycle from home to the coast and now I'm able to do that!

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After being born and raised in Heeley I missed it terribly when we moved to Gleadless Valley in '72 after slum clearance. I couldn't adjust to my new life in the tower house there so moved to Jordanthorpe in '74 where I finally managed to settle down until the kids got older. My sister in law kept writing from Australia extalling the virtues of Queensland whilst at the same time I was becoming bored with standing at bus tops in the rotten weather and doing the same thing week in week out. That, along with the fact that my sons were reaching the age when further education and career choices were a priority helped my husband and I to make the decision to leave Sheffield. So - in 1981 we did it... emigrated to Oz ! and it was the best thing we have ever done. Still love to come back to Sheffield though, as often as we can and I always pop into Heeley for a look around.

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Nothing as glamorous as some of the previous, I left 27 years ago as my business was situated in the Nottinghamshire area; I now live in a small village near Retford, I do miss the hussle and bussle of Sheffield, the good pubs and most of all my fellow De-Dars, life is so lethargic in the country, but I suppose it does me good and keeps me out of the ale-house.

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