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Sheffield Music Scene - Who are the best bands/artists?


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Saw Ritalin the other night at The Casbah. Had heard they were good and they were. And still quite young. 'Mazing drummer!


Also a really different band from Doncaster called Blind Willie McManus - they do not have a drummer but do have an ace song called 'Ugly People Have Ugly Children'

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There are some freaky veterans out there such as The Way of All Flesh...electronic goth, and a band that did a cracking cover of "White Wedding" long before the Murderdolls had a chance to murder it.


Mutilated to Perfection are a young hyper/speed/death/suicide metal band who have a good amount of raw talent, but due to their youth sound like a cow being fed through a meat-grinder backwards...there is hope they may improve with time.


And rumours reach me of a group of veterans of the Sheffield scene who have been out of the game for a short while and are ready to get back to business. The core of a band known once upon a time as Pale and the former lead singer of mid-nineties post-grunge outfit Dirt Flower have come together to form Sheffield's own answer to Audioslave. They go by the name of Tacoma and great things are expected of them.

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I've just started singing again with a newish band. No name, no plans for world domination or even a demo tape. Just a desire to play some gigs now and then and have fun.


Thanks to this very forum that I hooked up with them btw! :)


Give us 12 months then I'll post about upcoming gigs ;).


Its VERY refreshing to be in a band who are a bit older and wiser and don't worry about becoming pop stars or not.


If anyone has an idea for a name (we are a bit NiN/Mars Volta/Muse, ie. fairly loud alt rock) let me know :)

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A good new band on the Sheffield scene is Arctic Monkeys, supported Modey Lemon at the Fez Club a couple of weeks ago and showed them how it's done.

Young, Sheffield lads with something different to offer.

Check em out any chance you can, they're cracking. Had a good review in the Sheffield Telegraph last Friday too. I believe a CD is in the offing this summer.


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Originally posted by mikey

OOOh resorting to playing that old fashioned stuff music now eh!!


What's up listener ratings down on talk show radio?


Maybe they all tune into the better talk shows on the BBC stations.



Ratings have gone up actually luv.


I don't understand though - would you not want me to play a local act at the end of the show? I thought it would be nice to promote local talent. On a mainstream show.



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Originally posted by Carmine


Mutilated to Perfection are a young hyper/speed/death/suicide metal band who have a good amount of raw talent, but due to their youth sound like a cow being fed through a meat-grinder backwards...there is hope they may improve with time.



Yea i'd agree with that, n e way we (mutilated to perfection) play alot of gigs in sheffield at the boardwalk and grapes. check out our website for gig details, contact information and general band related stuff!!!


we are always up for any gigs that get offered to us and are always looking for heavier bands to support/play with

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One of the best local bands I've seen in a good long while are Firegarden (name from the infamous Steve Vai album).

Their eccentric onstage behavoir is matched only by their ability - they have to be seen.


Other than them, on a very different note, International 2 are laid back yet still upbeat in a Jet style.


M2P have been received well locally, hard style, but very good.


In a similar Firegarden vibe - very guitar solo-centred - Existend are worth a look-see. They don't seem to play much, but very worthwhile checking out when they do.


Other than that, I saw "Cry for silence" supporting F4AF at the Leadmill last week, and they were very good. Missing a lead guitarist, but still had some very well composed songs.

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