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RIP Fez Club Thread...


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Hey all,


Suffice to say I am as gutted (probably more than some) that The Fez will cease to be very very soon as it has now been taken over by people that wish to run all their nights in-house. The main implication being that a venue that has long been a place for independent nights and like minded like minded clubbers to call their own is now no more.


It will be easy to throw blame and say all kinds of things like money talks but the fact of the matter is what has happened has happened and maybe we can at least be thankful that the club itself remains a club (imagine the horror if it were announced that it would be changed into a Subway or something!). So instead of laying blame I'd rather just remember the good (and sometimes very hazy) times that we've had in the Fez....


Here's five that stand out....


Pin-Up 1st Birthday (Feb 2005) : Martin Solveig, packed club, party poppers, sambuca ...one of our best nights there.


Scuba : Amp Fiddler live ....What a night. What an artiste!


UG : Switch....Messy but oh so very fun


Pin-Up Bank Holiday Special....Joey *****, Paul Woolford, Pete Simpson....it could have all gone so wrong yet it all came together.


Scuba residents party late 04....Winston Hazel, Desi Rocca....The man like Winny on fine form and schooling us something proper.


RIP Fez...its been amazing. See you tonight for UG's farewell Fez party and the very last Pin-Up at The Fez on Friday 6th Oct





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I've had some of the best nights of my life at UG @ The Fez. James Zabiela, Plump DJs, Krafty Kuts, Rolando, Tom Middleton, Switch, Evil Nine have all played there since we did our first night there in November 2001. It holds so many memories for so many people. It was the only small city centre venue that nurtured independent nights run by people who truely love the music and putting on good parties. What makes it even more painful is that (together with Pravda - which will always be Ponana to us) it looks like it's going to be turned into another Niche (like we need 2 Niches in Sheffield!). This is a very sad time for the Sheffield club scene.


Please, if you've ever had a memorable night in the Fez, join us there tonight from 9pm as we say our goodbyes. It is very likely that tonight will be your last chance.

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its extremely sad.


pinup pretty much picked up the scene after bed closed and i have had some amazing nights in there. my 3 top nights were seamus haji, mync project and wes. pinup was a rare thing a club that felt like a party week in week out. so to the pinup crew i say thankyou and i hope you secure a new venue and don't just let the night die because it would be a terrible shame if it did.


urban gorilla is probably the best night in sheffield and has been for about 2 years. it embodies what good clubbing should be about and its desparately sad they now need to find a new home.


scuba was one of the best nights of its type for a long time, they brought some amazing djs to sheffield and inspired fierce loyalty to its clubbers. sheffield is poorer that it is no longer running.


overall the fez was a superb club that provided a lot of good times and allowed promoters the opportunity to try something different, i know that the futre funk and UTI boys will be devastated as will most clubbers.


so long fez it was a party

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Its always sad when a good venue shuts down - but thats just the nature of club land - things are never static and especially when your dealing with the outer fringes of respectability, which you are with any late opening club , then things can alway change pretty fast...


Somewhere else will open, or change, and host lots of groovy nights, but a few years down the line will shut/be bought out - thats just the way things are...

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i know alot of clubbers who still feel the scene is missing something since bed shut down



I'm sorry, but any sympathy I may have had for your agruments about smaller club nights have gone out the window when you hold up a prime example of corporate clubbing as the highpoint in Sheffield's clubbing history.


Bed was set up by Gatecrasher to ensure nobody else bought in & competed with GC. They may have run some good house nights - but it was never more than the house wing of GC.

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I'm sorry, but any sympathy I may have had for your agruments about smaller club nights have gone out the window when you hold up a prime example of corporate clubbing as the highpoint in Sheffield's clubbing history.


Bed was set up by Gatecrasher to ensure nobody else bought in & competed with GC. They may have run some good house nights - but it was never more than the house wing of GC.

easy tiger! whatever you think about bed for the first 2 years of its history (as bed) it was an integral part of the house scene and before that when it was the palais and the music factory it was a clubbing institution.


bed is sorely missed by a lot of people as will fez. i think thats worth acknowledging. for the record i actually thought it was a good thing it closed because it opened up the clubs for independant promoters. i was more upset when brown street closed

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