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Sunday Cocktails?


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Ivory do great cocktails. Was in there at the weekend. The place and the cocktails were fab.


Pretty soon we will be opening again on sundays - special offers on cocktails and bottled beers, should be doing it pretty soon as well, anyone interested then PM me for more details.


Oh and whilst ive got your attention on sundays - what do you guys think to Sunday lunch, the only places that seem to be busy are carverys, is that what people want from a sunday dinner?


Im determined to open again on sundays for lunch but would you guys prefer a carvey or a traditional restaurant service?




Ben @ Ivory

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We are always on the look out for a good Sunday lunch. I don't eat meat, but like the trimmings with a bit of veggie extra. My friends are happy with a carvery or a choice of two types of meat. A fish dish is also good.


If you do it, make sure it is well promoted to get the punters in. Half the battle in Sheffield is finding places.


Don't suppose you fancy doing a Christmas day lunch????? Only joking. Or am I.

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Carveries are vile.


I have to say that the whole experiance of a carvery reminds me of standing in line with all my class mates many moons ago waiting to see what the dinner ladies had cooked up for us that day,


However, you cant argue with numbers - for example Toby Carvey its just PACKED.


I cant think of a good place in the city thats been successful doing sunday lunches - and i mean proper sunday lunch


I will do my upmost to cut a sway through this trend and be the first to do a good quality, properly served sunday lunch.


Ben @ Ivory

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  • 2 weeks later...



Sundays - here is the plan:


Jazz Sunday Brunch, eggs benedict, american pancake stack & the like, a live musician and a really chilled atmosphere - launching on sunday the 5th november (thats 2 days after my birthday if your interested!!)


Sunday nights im really excited about - Simply sundays; LAUNCHES ON THE 29TH OF THIS MONTH


£3 ALL cocktails and £2 all bottled beers, a soul & funk DJ and hopefully just a really good party atmosphere - we hope that a lot of bartenders will come up and blow off steam from a busy weekend

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