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The state of sheffield clubbing


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The difference in all those circumstances is that the person being given the item have asked for it and want it and expect to dispose of it when finished with it.


Unlike flyer's.


I can see the Councils point here, and I can see the promoters point too. However, there is definitely a litter issue with flyer's so perhaps its time for both groups to sit down and work something out that helps both parties?


I see your point here chief, but I think people's attitude to flyers is odd - if I don't want em when I'm coming out of a club, I just don't take em! If I think they look interesting I will read them and either take them home or dispose of them properly. I don't see why the fact that so many people accept and then throw away flyers in a state of sheep like zombification on their way out of a club should be regarded as the fault of the flyerererererer! I accept that there's a difference between that and when people seek out and pay for a kebab, and then lob it against a lamp-post, but in both legal and common-sense terms, the person who has accepted the kebab/flyer is no less responsible for littering!


What would happen if people outside clubs were handing out free kebabs? Or, if every kebab you bought had the details of a new club night grilled into the pitta bread?:hihi: I see the solution for promoters here is to hand out promotional kebabs outside clubs. That would probably be cheaper than buying a flyering license :loopy:

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Ps Ian. I was a bit drunk on sat and apologies to yer good lady for not recognising her till the end of the night. Typical poles.

On the wodka again eh? :hihi: Aye, ney bother chief, she's a hardy sort. You missed out on Spinna that night though.. mad decent. :love:

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On the wodka again eh? :hihi: Aye, ney bother chief, she's a hardy sort. You missed out on Spinna that night though.. mad decent. :love:


Thought as much. I'm gonna have to stop acting all married whilst not been, and find a lass who's only car tape isnt Meatloaf and Bonnie Tyler, fact!

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I think Stef only visits clubs in order to facilitate the kebab afterwards. In much the same way, I only have sex to facilitate the cigarette at the end.

I don't smoke the rest of the time. In fact, I don't hardly ever smoke at all. ;)


I'll have you know that most of the kebabs I eat, I eat for my tea, at the normal time (some time after lunch, and before I have my third brandy). I don't usually eat food aprè-club. I find that kind of behaviour repulsive.

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discodown - you should be aware that only last Saturday (30 Sep) Leeds City Council established a designated zone for flyering activities - which includes the whole of their city centre, extending down a wide corridor of Otley Road, ending at Shaw Lane junction. The cost is £75 per distrbutor, subject to conditions.


Leeds City Council have taken this action because "(flyers) has caused significant littering problems in parts of the city".


(Source: Leeds City Council website).


good for leeds, i'm pleased they have reduced the initial price of £175 to something which is much more realistic.


It's good to see your change of heart discodown, and the pleasure you've expressed at what Leeds City Council has done in establishing a designated zone for flyering. You'll be equally pleased to know that Sheffield City Council has today voted to implement a designated flyering zone in Sheffield - and at the same cost as Leeds.
its not pleasure. believe me. it stinks and its just going after easy targets and not being consistant. this won't help clear up towns at all. its persecution pure and simple. you can say it isn't, but that doesn't make it true.


Now, can you please stop dodging questions and answer this simple question I have already posed twice to you......


You keep referring to what Leeds City Council does to promote their clubbing scene. Is this your much vaunted idea of renovating derelict buildings or providing new venues? If so, please name some venues and locations. I'm still eagerly awaiting to hear from you - despite this being my third request for information from you. Some concrete evidence of your claims about Leeds City Council's approach to their club scene really would be helpful. You are able to back up your claims aren't you?

Fair enough I shall.


A few years ago when "back to basics" in leeds lost its home dave beer went to council for help. Not only did they help him find a new venue they worked with him through the renovation to speed up the licence applications and worked with him to ensure the venue was viable, safe and he had the minimum amount of problems. This was all detailed in an issue of mixmag when Dave Beer publicly thanked the council and stated if it wasn't for them then B2B might not have survived.


Last year the council helped with some of the costs of renovating the paradise club in leeds. in order to inject some life into that part of town and make sure another venue didn't close its doors. (according to an ex-promoter)


When "Love to be" left sheffield they were able to move to leeds because the council was happy to find them a venue and it allowed them to stay there for many years at reduced rent. (accordingg to an ex promoter)


In rotherham the council encouraged venues to open on sunday to stimulate the town a little. With the council and venue owners working together sundays became so popular it helped attract new investment in nightlife into the town.


In Barnsley earlier this year the promoter of krush was having problems with promotion until he spoke to the council who promised to allow him to promote freely on a limited basis so long as he cleaned up after himself.


There you go, examples from several councils all helping and encouraging nightlife.


Now i've answered you're question. Perhaps you'll return the courtesy and answer the following points i made earlier which you avoided.


also you are saying that you are willing to crack down on one type of littering but not another? wheres the consistency? if promo people are to be cracked down on why not other sources


they(promoters) are in fear of on the spot fines and prosecution by the council. you are supressing small businesses (and thats what promoters are) by imposing fines and the threat of police action on them because they are providing information that the somebody else throws away. why not provide lots more litter bins and issue on the spot fines for people who drop flyers not give them out?


if you're going to fine people why not make the guy who runs the burger van in barkers pool pay for the clean up in the morning? whats the difference?


why don't the council provide free areas for people to flypost? why don't the council allow areas for promotion? why won't the council accept they should take some responsibility for the state of nightlife in this city?


i'm curious, are there any official figures for how much nightlife generates in sheffield? compared to say museums, galleries and parks? i think that since money talks for our council they should maybe try to help and improve the most profitable parts of the sheffield economy.
I await your non-response with interest.
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I have been advised & im sure if this incorrect, somebody will say so.....but Sheffield International Venues ie City Hall, do not have to pay for the JCDecaux advertising sites!


Surely, if this is the case, all promoters should be given the opportunity to advertise their event for free!!!

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Over the last week or so I've noticed a lot of flyering in a small area and with next to no littering. Sheff Uni concourse.

So are students very responsible, do the leafleters pick up the rubbish is is it because the people getting flyers aren't ****3d?

You hand stuff out to people leaving pubs and clubs and a lot of them are wasted, they take whatever is thrust at them, realise they do not want it and dump it.

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