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The state of sheffield clubbing


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Over the last week or so I've noticed a lot of flyering in a small area and with next to no littering. Sheff Uni concourse.

So are students very responsible, do the leafleters pick up the rubbish is is it because the people getting flyers aren't ****3d?

You hand stuff out to people leaving pubs and clubs and a lot of them are wasted, they take whatever is thrust at them, realise they do not want it and dump it.


Maybe its because there's a healthy amount of bins on the concourse? Maybe a better solution would be for the council to provide more bins close to areas where a lot of flyering takes place?

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I'll have you know that most of the kebabs I eat, I eat for my tea, at the normal time (some time after lunch, and before I have my third brandy). I don't usually eat food aprè-club. I find that kind of behaviour repulsive.


so the stories about the donor kebab pizza arent true? :suspect:


just my 2-penneth on the flyering issue...im with bully_beef on this one. if you dont want the flyer, dont take it.


although, i have a habit of taking them and just sticking them in my handbag- normally to be found the next day (when scraping the pennies out of the bottom of said bag and saying "i cant believe i spent all my money on wine- again!") in the absence of a reliable exposed stockist near me, its sometimes a lifeline.



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I've done flyering and it's relatively easy to present someone with a flyer in a manner, so they just take it, before they've even thought about it. Even easier with drunks, I imagine.


Yes, so have I, and it is easy to do that to a lot of people (if you are trying to waste your flyers).

Even so, I would dispute this assumption that someone who takes a flyer without thinking about it is in some way not responsible for taking it (and therefore for disposing of it properly). Maybe 80% of people (just to make up a random number) unthinkingly take flyers when they are drunk, but 80% of people are also loud and obnoxious when drunk and I don't see anyone trying to blame a third party for that.

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But if you'd shoved a beer down their throat and they threw it back up......


It's obvious if there are loads of flyers on the floor, then they've been given to people who don't want them.

A simple solution would be to pick up your flyers off the floor, they get dumped quickly or not at all. And the council can fine the clubs that leave litter and ignore the rest.


Oh and just because someone doesn't initially want a flyer doesn't mean it's not of interest to them and a waste. When lots of people are flyering, you tend to blank them, even though some may actually be of interest, but you don't actually know until you been given them and read them.

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I have been advised & im sure if this incorrect, somebody will say so.....but Sheffield International Venues ie City Hall, do not have to pay for the JCDecaux advertising sites!


Surely, if this is the case, all promoters should be given the opportunity to advertise their event for free!!!


an interesting one this, i ve heard similar things... surely its not true tho?!? maybe somebody could give us an explaination and tell us how wrong we are!?!

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Another point...


As an independent promoter I pay for all my flyers out of my own pocket. I also do some of the flyering myself. When I see someone drop a flyer I generally pick it up and re-use it (as it is my own money I'm wasting!). Larger clubs will generally employ kids / students to do all their flyering for them, so they're not bothered if they see someone drop a flyer, and the cost of a few dropped flyers to Gatecrasher for example isn't really an issue.


The ironic thing is that it will be the large club like Gatecrasher that can afford the flyering licenses, whereas the smaller promoters who are more likely to pick up their littered flyers, will not be able to afford the license.



...this is so glaringly obvious it hurts, the sheer stupidity of this idea is the fact that for a mere ~£75 the corporate nightclubs will be paying for a licence to litter. 'Oh yeah its alright to chuck this **** everywhere, we ve got a licence'. if anything this will increase the amount of litter created due to irresponsible flyering. Which is mainly due to the big clubs, that pay minimum wage, encouraging their staff to 'get rid' of as many flyers as they can before the nights out.


...one thing im also wondering about is that even if all the promoters in the city buy these licences. surely the money raised would not be enough for the wages to pay for the newly created post of 'sheffield council flyering permits officer' and their secratary and the countless other useless ancilary staff needed to promote, advertise and police the scheme. oh yeah, plus the extra street cleaners needed to sweep up the increased amount of littered flyers.


the answer to problem flyering is to use existing littering legislation, ie. the person creating the problem is responsible for it. if clubs/ promoters flyer in an irresponsible way and do not clear up after themselves, then they should be fined / punished. also there should be a personal responsibility for accepting a flyer and then discarding it. the act of purely handing out a flyer should not be criminalised.


with regards to all the issues surrounding this city's nightlife, i think it is time that sheffield council enlisted a team of people with a degree of expertise in this area. by that i mean people who know and understand how the nightime economy works, people with youth and an open mind on their side. they surely havent any on board at the moment.



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...i think it is time that sheffield council enlisted a team of people with a degree of expertise in this area. by that i mean people who know and understand how the nightime economy works, people with youth and an open mind on their side. they surely havent any on board at the moment.




Are you angling for a job with the dirty council there, Tuffs??!


Good luck to you!

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...this is so glaringly obvious it hurts, the sheer stupidity of this idea is the fact that for a mere ~£75 the corporate nightclubs will be paying for a licence to litter. 'Oh yeah its alright to chuck this **** everywhere, we ve got a licence'. if anything this will increase the amount of litter created due to irresponsible flyering. Which is mainly due to the big clubs, that pay minimum wage, encouraging their staff to 'get rid' of as many flyers as they can before the nights out.


...one thing im also wondering about is that even if all the promoters in the city buy these licences. surely the money raised would not be enough for the wages to pay for the newly created post of 'sheffield council flyering permits officer' and their secratary and the countless other useless ancilary staff needed to promote, advertise and police the scheme. oh yeah, plus the extra street cleaners needed to sweep up the increased amount of littered flyers.


the answer to problem flyering is to use existing littering legislation, ie. the person creating the problem is responsible for it. if clubs/ promoters flyer in an irresponsible way and do not clear up after themselves, then they should be fined / punished. also there should be a personal responsibility for accepting a flyer and then discarding it. the act of purely handing out a flyer should not be criminalised.


with regards to all the issues surrounding this city's nightlife, i think it is time that sheffield council enlisted a team of people with a degree of expertise in this area. by that i mean people who know and understand how the nightime economy works, people with youth and an open mind on their side. they surely havent any on board at the moment.




so whom should this job go to. council have enough problems employing mps and they cant do a job. All, and I mean all the night club owners, bars weekly residency promoters, should meet up with the council and find a suitable solution for the state of clubbing in Sheffield period. Right now the only people that are winning is the leisure clubs and people that are losing are independant promoters and the people of Sheffield. Leeds went through this problem years ago when they just got there 24 hour licensing, so all the club owners got together and decided to try not to compete with each other and did certain events on certain nights. It definately helped Leeds as now they have nearly twice if not three times as many venues than Sheffield and a healthy scene with variety.

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