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The state of sheffield clubbing


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they shouldn't, what they should do is assist the entire clubscene as a whole and they aren't doing it.


Which almost brings this discussion full circle discodown!


You ably demonstrated that Leeds City Council have, in various ways, assisted their clubland scene. Can you now tell us who has approached Sheffield City Council for assistance, what assistance they sought, and what was the response they received? Examples please.

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I think we can all agree that unless you like speed garage and 4 x 4 this weekend has been one of desparately bad news for the sheffield club scene.


3 of the most forward thinking, progressive and best venues have gone from us in one weekend. Fez which is many peoples (including mine) favourite club in sheffield. Pravda which was starting to do good things and gain a better reputation and the earl which allowed the most eclectic music policy in sheffield and allowed young and first time promoters an opportunity have all gone.


Its easy to blame the owners of niche for it but that wouldn't be fair. They are in business and that means sometimes you have to take unpopular decisions and do whats best for you as opposed to what everyone would like. Add to that that niche has to be one of the most profitable clubs in sheffield and probably the only club to attract a significant amount of out of town clubbers to the city. Like it or not niche is incredibly good at what it does and the minority of clubbers who are into it adore it. You can't fault them for being the best at what they do.


So whats left? In my opinion these are the only real club contenders in the city centre.


GC1 is sadly not really a club anymore, its a corporate money making machine that no longer has much credibility amongst the clubbers. They do have the financial clout to attract the absolute top level DJ's such as morillo etc but amongst my friends its not high on out list of places to go.


Plug is probably the most solid venue right now, its huge, can accomodate various music styles and does have top drawer DJ's and nights on. Mostly theres a decent crowd and theres lots to like about it.


DQ is with the addition of the second room now becoming a major player and with nights like UG and now razor stilletto its more and more becoming a first choice for many.


Matrix is steadily improving constantly, we were there last night for a time and it was excellent, a really chilled vibe, quality dj's, home of hustle and the matcalfes know what they're doing so they'll be fine.


And apart from a few bars who do good stuff like the harley theres virtually nothing else, however if you look outside the town centre there are 2 other venues shhhh! where i was at this morning until 8.30 and it was still going strong which is going to be a major player for underground stuff and afterparties etc and cactus club in burngreave which i've never been to but i understand is very good.


So basically theres maybe half a dozen venues that cater for clubbers.


The fact is its the councils fault theres no good club venues. It shouldn't matter that niche bought what they did in a city this size. sheffields reputation for dance music and clubbing stretches back for over 30 years its disgusting that theres not enough venues for clubs etc. its a disgrace the way the council chokes the life out of the club scene. Sheffield needs at least 5-6 new venues within the city centre run like the earl and fez so new talent can have a chance to do new things. i know of some people given a chance to do their thing at fez last friday and now through no fault of their own they're out on their ear. what are their chances of getting another venue for next month? slim to none.


Easy to blame niche but not correct. They only did what was best for them. Who can blame them for that and who wouldn't have done the same given the opprtunity?

You gotta see life for what it is........clubbing now in Sheffield can be dangerous....the loonies and druggies are winning........please tell me that I am wrong and prove it.

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You gotta see life for what it is........clubbing now in Sheffield can be dangerous....the loonies and druggies are winning........please tell me that I am wrong and prove it.


How do you make that one out? The Niche scene has alwys attracted its fair share of wannabe bad bwoys - but dont think that equates to the full sheffield clubbing scene - well not just yet anyway...

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in all my years out clubbing at techno nights up and down the country, i've seen two fights


Likewise - I've seen more bother on west st on one sat night, or even ten minutes on any sat night come to that, than in years of partying...

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Thing is though. Could we forget about the Mark Doyle Fierce Angel promotion bits and bobs and get building up the local promotions. Surely theres alreaedy plenty of these style promotions around town keepin it Sheff? Not having a pop at anyone just my observation.


uTI are doing their darndest to get something sorted... We have accepted we aint gonna get a city centre venue, so to speak; but we believe we have the right vibe to attract people just that little bit out of the hustle & bustle. :thumbsup:



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The Sheffield clubbing scene is the worst i have ever seen it, its sin a terrible state, i went out in Brum the other day and it made me realise how downhill Sheffields nightlife has got. it used to be pretty decent up here, i dont know whats happened, but something needs to be done and fast.

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How do you make that one out? The Niche scene has alwys attracted its fair share of wannabe bad bwoys - but dont think that equates to the full sheffield clubbing scene - well not just yet anyway...
Not waanabees. They are not nice people!

My friend was standing next to the person shot in Niche the other week. Nice place!

She thinks they may have been aiming for her. She wears a uniform, so she's not paranoid in thinking she's the target.

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The Sheffield clubbing scene is the worst i have ever seen it, its sin a terrible state, i went out in Brum the other day and it made me realise how downhill Sheffields nightlife has got. it used to be pretty decent up here, i dont know whats happened, but something needs to be done and fast.


Could you please elaborate on that.


What bars/clubs have you been to lately in Sheffield out of interest to make such a claim?

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