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The state of sheffield clubbing


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Good news! Urban Gorilla is moving to fortnightly Saturday's at Uniq on Carver St. This is a great little venue in a good location with an all night license and has huge potential. I am also reliably informed that they are getting a good range of other independent promoters involved, so it looks like Uniq is going to be the place to be very soon!

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Could you please elaborate on that.


What bars/clubs have you been to lately in Sheffield out of interest to make such a claim?



This year, i have been to every single bar on west st, and every single club in town apart from Fuel and corporation.

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I disagree with you Jake on 2 points.


Point 1) These bad bwoys ARE bad bwoys and they are shooting people, so the term wannabe is inappropriate. There are a lot of people that go to Niche from all over the country. Some of these characters that are causing the trouble are career criminals.


Fair comment - Niche did start off as more of a dance club. And of course there are very dodgy folk who go there. There's been numerous "incidents" year that I'm aware of - probably many many more that go unreported. And its curent reputaion is self perpetuating. I've got a mate who's a teacher and all the young kids are intrigued by Niche and the gangster stories they hear - its doenst take a sociologist to realise that five years later its some of these same kids who are getting involved in the dodgyness...

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Fair comment - Niche did start off as more of a dance club. And of course there are very dodgy folk who go there. There's been numerous "incidents" year that I'm aware of - probably many many more that go unreported. And its curent reputaion is self perpetuating. I've got a mate who's a teacher and all the young kids are intrigued by Niche and the gangster stories they hear - its doenst take a sociologist to realise that five years later its some of these same kids who are getting involved in the dodgyness...



Jake, your missing my point. I remember people like Jason Orange (Take That) going to Niche. Niche never had a bad crowd in the begining in the mid 90's hey day, where people come strictly for clubbing. Today, real clubbers are few and far between, hence Niche moved with the speed garage thing to probably boost numbers. Even mighty Gatecrasher do not do a weekly trance night anymore. The so called dodgy folk that go out now are people in our society today. if they did not go to niche they would go else where. In fairness to niche they have a product that if marketed correctly could rival any super club. Think of all the chavs paying £10 / £15 every friday and saturday night. Like you say, kids talk about it as it is the coolest place on earth. They do not need big names djs, now that is a product, but of course there is a price to pay.:thumbsup:

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Good news! Urban Gorilla is moving to fortnightly Saturday's at Uniq on Carver St. This is a great little venue in a good location with an all night license and has huge potential. I am also reliably informed that they are getting a good range of other independent promoters involved, so it looks like Uniq is going to be the place to be very soon!


will it be the same crowd as preivous in that club!!!


hope not cos its nothing but trouble

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Can you now tell us who has approached Sheffield City Council for assistance, what assistance they sought, and what was the response they received? Examples please.
To my knowledge I don't know of a single promoter or organization who has approached SCC. (Although i suspect niche must have, how else would they keep getting a licence?) But even if they had is it likely thay would have got any assistance at all? I'd like to think they would. sadly i doubt it.

uTI are doing their darndest to get something sorted... We have accepted we aint gonna get a city centre venue, so to speak; but we believe we have the right vibe to attract people just that little bit out of the hustle & bustle. :thumbsup:
i really hope you get a venue, you guys are part of the future of sheffield clubbing, its going to take a little longer than you think to get a result.
This is a very good point and an integral part of why we at Hustle down scaled our operation. Purely because there are not as many people that get excited about clubbing anymore as maybe 2 or 3 years ago...although I dont believe the music is tired its just just changing.
I respectfully disagree. Hustles biggest mistake was going weekly. it took the shine off it for me. Theres still a huge base of clubbers out there but they want a bit more from a night than before. The music is still there its just that sheffield is more about what you're wearing, how your hairs cut, where your standing and loads of other things nothing to do with the music. Until we get the element of the music being all back sheffield clubbing will continue to go downhill. however i digress thats a comment more on the scene as a whole.
to say shefield is dead is one thing, but infact it thriving... new club sshhhh has amazing nights / mornings VERY good music


P.s it may not as good as 10 - 3 years ago, but its def going in the right direction

We shall have to agree to disagree. sheffield is far from thriving. Shhh is doing good stuff (i'll be DJing there soon!) but its only one venue and it isn't attracting big names, it won't ever have a major influence on the scene and as soon as the niche lot discover it it will go down the toilet. Sheffield is also not going in the right direction. Its getting worse. Most music is represented but not well enough, not in enough venues.
I am not aware of any other involvement by the council in the nightclub industry, other than licensing functions of course, and previous discussions over illegal fly-posting, etc.


There isn't a vision statement for the clubbing industry, and there isn't a council-clubbing forum for the industry in existence either. I'm still not sure what discodown, the OP, is looking for from the council (a reply to my last post is still awaited).

Its obvious the council has no agenda for clubbing which is absurd but here IMO is what needs to be done.


* A meeting for the promoters to meet the council and discuss what they want.


* Areas in the city (probably outside the clubs) where its free to distribute flyers and promotional material for nights.


* Free flyposting areas for venues


* The council to either convert some empty venues or provide the use of existing venues (Such as limit which is now empty or the earl) and allow new promoters access to them at cheap rates so they can get their night off the ground. The revenue raised could go back to the council to be used for other things.


* A point of reference at the council for promoters to come to who can answer their questions and they can get help from in order to make nights safer, more viable and help build bridges between council and promoters and to help new promoters integrate into the city


* The council to recognize and understand just how much the clubbing scene adds to the economy. Niche for all its faults does at least encourage people from outside the city to come and spend money here.


theres bound to be some more stuff i think of but that would do for a start

Good news! Urban Gorilla is moving to fortnightly Saturday's at Uniq on Carver St. This is a great little venue in a good location with an all night license and has huge potential. I am also reliably informed that they are getting a good range of other independent promoters involved, so it looks like Uniq is going to be the place to be very soon!
that really is good news, hopefully this little club can start doing good things. i understand its under new management so lets hope they know what they're doing
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