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Why do people spike drinks!??


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My friend was out on Friday and one of her friends said her drink tasted funny, then proceded to fall to the ground with her eyes rolling. An ambulance had to be called, needless to say she could't stand and was completely in-coherent.


At the hospital they didn't even give a blood test or anything, just said she had to sleep it off. NICE!!


Then i was speaking to someone else i know and this would seem to be a bigger thing that I thought, more and more people have been telling me when it happened to them or one of their friends etc.


Why do people do this.......... i just dont get it!?


1. Most of the time whoever has done it don't actually get to see the poor state they have left their victim in

2. Your silly prank could kill

3. Its a waste of valuable class A's <<< ~JOKE of course!!


Has anyone else experianced this!?


I will have to say that apparently the staff at this venue were excellent, which i thought was unusual, any experiance i have ever had of someone even slightly looking like they have taken drugs have been wrong, 'just get off out property and go and fkup somewhere else!'


Dont want to name this bar and it was an unfortunate event and dont want to give them bad pub, even tho they were great.......... my friend said they took the drinks to be tested and insisted that she called the next day with an update!!



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drink spiking is usually done to assist rape. the 'spiker' lurks in the background waiting for the effect to take, then if the victim is alone, will move in, escort them out and rape them, the poor girl is in such a state she's unable to resist. Sadly this is becomming more comon.


Please dont ever leave your drink unattended, if you do, leave it and buy another. If possible, drink out of the bottle (this makes it difficult for anyone to slip anything in it) ... and always stay with your friends and keep an eye out for eachother.


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This has not happened to me when I go out to clubs. But I have seen when the guys lurk around, standing by the bar alone. It is just too strang, and the more you drink, the less you pay attention. Sometimes I think the easiest was to prey on someone is when the ARE will a large group of people. Because they are all laughing and talking and goin on...

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I had thought that there was now a bottle stopper available in clubs to pop onto your bottle to stop this, is this not the case ?


Poor girl, this happened to my pal about a year ago, it really scared her and it happened while in a big group of people.


Beware, especially with the xmas party season about to start, glad my clubbing days are over !!

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You can actually buy testing strips off ebay for this.

All you do is dip the strip into your drink and if it turns blue then it's been spiked.

They look very simular to Diabetic Urine Testing strips.

They are an absolute godsend for anyone.

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Hope she's ok!


My mum had her drink spiked a couple of years ago and it was very scary, thank god she was with her friends because god knows what could have happened, it was spiked with Rohipnal (sp) the 'date rape' drug.

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i think its daft that men have to resort to spiking in the 1st place, if it is for rape reasons. surely they can just pull a girl like normal??? not being offensive, but theres always plenty of girls up for a good time in nightclubs. why not talk to them like a normal guy would :loopy:

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All i could recomend to anyone is:


if you leave you drink out of your sight for even a second or two just go and buy a fresh one - seriously, its worth spending an extra 3 quid on!!


In crowded places drink bottles and keep a finger in the top of it whenever its not firmly attached to your lips!!!


In my pre - cocktail bar days i learned my trade in the cities biggest nightclub, occurances of this sort of thing were, im very saddened to say, a regular occurance. Whilst the door staff were exceptionally good in dealing with it, and all praise must go to them as the front line of first aid, there were some instances that were too severe for them to handle and paramedics were called into the scene. I think if the people responsible could see some of the things i have witnessed then just one ounce of morallity would mean they would never do anything like this again!!


They disgust me

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