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Why do people spike drinks!??


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I can't think of the words to express what I feel about the people that would do this.

Take care.


these men are obviously very very sad and twisted people, it's all about power and making their 'victim' feel helpless, and if you're off your face, they have a better chance of getting away with it if you can't remember or identify them.


ps - hope ur mates ok, and it is good to hear that venue didn't dismiss u as others would

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This has happened to me and almost everyone I know. I am now usually very careful, I make sure I keep my finger in the top of the bottle and so on. But its when you get drunk that problems start, it is so tempting to take a drink that someone has bought you and it is so easy to put your drink down and forget about it only to pick it back up a bit later. Its a shame that we even have to think about this kind of thing.

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If you talk to anyone who works in casualty - they'll tell you cases of proven drink spiking are thankfully very rare - its always worth being careful - but dont get too paranoid about it - there's *far* more problems by people getting too drunk - but that involves taking personal reponsibility and you cannot blame it on a bogey man...

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My friend was out on Friday and one of her friends said her drink tasted funny, then proceded to fall to the ground with her eyes rolling. An ambulance had to be called, needless to say she could't stand and was completely in-coherent.


At the hospital they didn't even give a blood test or anything, just said she had to sleep it off. NICE!!


I think one of the reasons they'll not have taken bloods for testing is that one of the most commonly used drugs of this kind, Rohypnol ('Roofies') has a very short half-life once ingested - i.e. it becomes undetectable extremely rapidly. This has been cited as one of the reasons it's become a popular choice for spikers.

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Out of interest, are there any men on the forum whom this has happened too?


It happened to two of my friends in a bar in Manilla. They felt very strange after half a beer and managed to get back to their hotel. They were both ill for a couple of days. They suspect it was to just get robbed rather than anything worse....like organ "harvesting" !!

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Its really sad in this day and age when you cant go out for a drink and worry about it being spiked. In fact I have often gone out and chatted to someone at bar and asked them to peep an eye on my dirnk while i go to gents - so far touch wood its always been ok - is this an advisable practice ? Sheffield people in general tend to be good for this ...

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If you talk to anyone who works in casualty - they'll tell you cases of proven drink spiking are thankfully very rare - its always worth being careful - but dont get too paranoid about it - there's *far* more problems by people getting too drunk - but that involves taking personal reponsibility and you cannot blame it on a bogey man...


I disagree with this.


Yes we all have to be responsible for ourselves and the state some people get into while out on the town is, in my opinion, a cause for concern. Why is popular culture now such that it is necessary to go out and not just enjoy other people's company but get so drunk we have no clue what happens to us? Why is that considered allright and not looked into?


But I don't think blaming bogey men come into it re spiking drinks. This can happen in a nightclub or an ordinary pub where you go for a drink with your Mum and Dad on a Sunday lunchtime. And it doesn't have to include alcohol. Rhohipnol is tasteless and can be dropped into a teenager's can of coke at Meadowhell as much as it can be dropped into a vodka and tonic down a night club. Other drugs may not be tasteless and all such drugs may have dangerous side-effects.


You may think it's all bogey men but there are plenty of women out there of all ages who have ended up in truly terrible psychological states after being put through this particular mill. And it is typically women that come forward with these experiences - I dread to think how many men and boys out there have had a bad experience in a similar way but feel isolated and unable to talk about it. Your blaming it on bogey men is in fact an attempt by you to deny to yourself that this behaviour exists within our midst.


Anybody that has suffered such an event may be able to get counselling from Victim's Support and a medical check up at their local Genito-Urinary Medicine Clinic.


People need to realise the things they see on the news or read in the paper can happen to them too. There is nothing about anybody that will single themselves out for these types of attacks - nor is there anything about a lot of people that will prevent these attacks.


It's about one human being deciding they can and will use another person in whatever way they see fit without that person's consent. The person they are using is not a human being in their eyes they are an object to be used.


That's the bottom line - not bogey men - just the human race turning itself into - well I can't be polite here so I'll leave the reader to fill in whatever they want.

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Just for info for anyone worried about this happening to them; I spotted a little plastic device in Tescos recently that fits the top of your typical glass drinks bottle and blocks anything from getting into it, but doesn't stop you from drinking from it. I didn't look at it in details but it was one of those 'end of an isle' item and it was called spikey.


Details here;



'Spikey', the drink test kits and other deivces to stop people from meddling with your drinks can be bought here;


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