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Why do people spike drinks!??


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If you talk to anyone who works in casualty - they'll tell you cases of proven drink spiking are thankfully very rare - its always worth being careful - but dont get too paranoid about it - there's *far* more problems by people getting too drunk - but that involves taking personal reponsibility and you cannot blame it on a bogey man...


I too do not think that this is a fair comment.


There is a gross misconception amongst AnE staff that those who get spiked / go clubbing are also drug users... So many people who are spiked, are not tested.


I was spiked last year, December 27th at a GateCrasher Classics event - I posted about it at the time.


I was drinking water, I put the drink down next to me for no more that about 30secs - enough to tie the top I had on around my waist, I picked my glass back up, took a gulp of water and before I could tell is tasted odd, had already swallowed it. My boyf and I took the glass to the bouncer who confirmed there was something dissolving in it... to cut a long and distressing story short (feel free to read my previous post), I ended up in A+E where I was treated like a druggie. As soon as I said I'd been in crasher, the response was 'oh! well I don't take drugs so I can't relate to how you are feeling'!!!!


I was hardly able to talk, but my bofy hard stern words with the staff, who then went and looked up my symtoms etc and confirmed that I had indeed been spiked with GHB - their attitude changed completely.


I want to make it perfectly clear that I don't do drugs of any kind, apart from alcohol and I wasn't drinking on this night as it was too expensive and a very long night. I was however talking pro plus, which it turns out helped counteract the effect of the GHB to some level.


I dread to think what would have happened if my boyf hadn't been with me. I was in no state to fight anyone off, I had lost all muscle control - even vaginal - I couldn't wee.


Its a horrendous experience.

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Its a horrendous experience.

I remember reading your account BB and was equally glad you were ok and angry at whoever did it. It makes me feel sick to think there are people out there that do this sort of the thing and think it's ok to do that (and whatever they decide follows...) or that it's justifiable in some way. Burning is too good for them, and I almost never wish ill on anyone. :rant:


It's a shame the hospital didn't get the point and treat you more accordingly :| but at least you are ok.

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I think the problem is this


Nightclubs attract dodgy types - men and women. The majority of people in them are there for a good time with their mates but you get the undercurrant of people who are there just to a) Pull b) Prey on girls/women/men/lads These are the types who cauze the trouble. These lasses that provoke dodgy men with their attitudes and then expect not to be hit on as a result, then there are the scum who prey on these grls. I admit I used to go out like this when I was younger and I had a few VERY VERY scary experiences but luckily my friends and twin sis looked after me. Once was in Orchis - I think I could have been raped if it wasnt for my friends cauze I was so drunk.Also my sis had her drink spiked in the old Niche and she couldnt feel her legs when she got in bed after the night - very frightening for us all.


Ive learned my lesson now and NEVER go into some of the clubs I used to cauze to put it bluntly they are crawling with dangerous types, I often think what if all of a sudden they turned all the lights on and the music off in a club - you would see the true sleaze and danger they contain :thumbsup:

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I think the problem is this


Nightclubs attract dodgy types - men and women. The majority of people in them are there for a good time with their mates but you get the undercurrant of people who are there just to a) Pull b) Prey on girls/women/men/lads These are the types who cauze the trouble. These lasses that provoke dodgy men with their attitudes and then expect not to be hit on as a result, then there are the scum who prey on these grls. I admit I used to go out like this when I was younger and I had a few VERY VERY scary experiences but luckily my friends and twin sis looked after me. Once was in Orchis - I think I could have been raped if it wasnt for my friends cauze I was so drunk.Also my sis had her drink spiked in the old Niche and she couldnt feel her legs when she got in bed after the night - very frightening for us all.


Ive learned my lesson now and NEVER go into some of the clubs I used to cauze to put it bluntly they are crawling with dangerous types, I often think what if all of a sudden they turned all the lights on and the music off in a club - you would see the true sleaze and danger they contain :thumbsup:


I find this rather scary. You obviously know a lot more about clubs than I do so perhaps you can answer me this; how is it possible for a decent man to go out in order to meet nice girls without having to encounter some of the things you mentioned in your post?:help:

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I find this rather scary. You obviously know a lot more about clubs than I do so perhaps you can answer me this; how is it possible for a decent man to go out in order to meet nice girls without having to encounter some of the things you mentioned in your post?:help:


well- thats a very tough question to answer- i guess its a lottery for all of us to go out in a big city such as sheffield on a night out. some of the clubs in sheff you would be advised to avoid slim are niche, vibe etc the more 'underground clubs' that seem to attract most of the trouble even tho they are clubs i have enjoyed going to for ages!


to meet nice girls- without having to encounter this- avoid the clubs i mentioned, dont do drugs (i doubt you wud anyway) and dont get invloved with any suspicious looking dodgy characters hahahaha.... even though you are just as likely to find them in kingdom (mingdom) as you are in niche.


my advice to you- stick to bars/ pubs. :thumbsup: GOOD LUCK

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well- thats a very tough question to answer- i guess its a lottery for all of us to go out in a big city such as sheffield on a night out. some of the clubs in sheff you would be advised to avoid slim are niche, vibe etc the more 'underground clubs' that seem to attract most of the trouble even tho they are clubs i have enjoyed going to for ages!


to meet nice girls- without having to encounter this- avoid the clubs i mentioned, dont do drugs (i doubt you wud anyway) and dont get invloved with any suspicious looking dodgy characters hahahaha.... even though you are just as likely to find them in kingdom (mingdom) as you are in niche.


my advice to you- stick to bars/ pubs. :thumbsup: GOOD LUCK


Thanks. :thumbsup:

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I find this rather scary. You obviously know a lot more about clubs than I do so perhaps you can answer me this; how is it possible for a decent man to go out in order to meet nice girls without having to encounter some of the things you mentioned in your post?:help:



managed to turn a drink spiking thread into yet another 'how do i meet nice girls?' question... :rolleyes:


hope your friend is ok icklesweet

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Meet me at the Peacock tonight at 8.30 and I will have a 1 to 1 with you about women - seriosuly, you have this golden opportunity and if you dont take it then you are barred from EVER asking any more questions on women/relationships again



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Someone I know was spiked with LSD by two sailors in a pub in Amsterdam, he has never done drugs and was not in Amsterdam for that kind of thing. He became disorientated and spent hours walking the streets trying to shake it off. He ended up, four in the morning, in a gay club dancing with half-naked Germans and quite enjoyed it by all accounts.


That said, I hope spiking is classed as GBH or worse and anyone caught doing it gets retribution tenfold.

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My drink got spiked with a date rape drug... I was lucky to have a really good (strong) mate who could pick me up (literally) and get me home. I was completely out of it.... Really, really horrible experience...;-(

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