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Why do people spike drinks!??


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Nobody is spiking your drinks, get over it!


State of confusion, loss of memory, loss of motor skills and balance, etc are all symptoms of alcohol overdose!


100% of all cases when someone says her drink was spiked, she just stupidly drank more than she could handle, and now she is creating a conspiracy theory to feel important. No, you weren't almost raped, almost robbed, or almost kidnapped, you were just being your usual dumbass!


If you can't handle the alcohol - don't drink! If you suffer from paranoid schizophrenia and believe someone is out to get you - don't go out in public!


This thread is old, but I felt the need to enlighten the tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists, the drama queens, and the herd of sheep who follow them blindly.

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I too do not think that this is a fair comment.


There is a gross misconception amongst AnE staff that those who get spiked / go clubbing are also drug users... So many people who are spiked, are not tested.


I was spiked last year, December 27th at a GateCrasher Classics event - I posted about it at the time.


I was drinking water, I put the drink down next to me for no more that about 30secs - enough to tie the top I had on around my waist, I picked my glass back up, took a gulp of water and before I could tell is tasted odd, had already swallowed it. My boyf and I took the glass to the bouncer who confirmed there was something dissolving in it... to cut a long and distressing story short (feel free to read my previous post), I ended up in A+E where I was treated like a druggie. As soon as I said I'd been in crasher, the response was 'oh! well I don't take drugs so I can't relate to how you are feeling'!!!!


I was hardly able to talk, but my bofy hard stern words with the staff, who then went and looked up my symtoms etc and confirmed that I had indeed been spiked with GHB - their attitude changed completely.


I want to make it perfectly clear that I don't do drugs of any kind, apart from alcohol and I wasn't drinking on this night as it was too expensive and a very long night. I was however talking pro plus, which it turns out helped counteract the effect of the GHB to some level.


I dread to think what would have happened if my boyf hadn't been with me. I was in no state to fight anyone off, I had lost all muscle control - even vaginal - I couldn't wee.


Its a horrendous experience.


I have seen several girls who have been spiked like this. Fortunately I have never experienced it myself. Perhaps I am just careful or don't look like the right type.

The drug is Flunitrazepam or Rohypnol. It is rare for the police to test for it as it disapears from the system very quickly and is hard to detect. Sadly it is also easy to obtain as it is a regularly prescribed drug for insomnia.

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