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Born in the 40's, 50's, 60's??

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The photos are great Viking but far too 'modern' for the house I lived in as a child- on Morgan Rd. We had a black metal fireplace which had to be black-leaded, the washing machine was Mum on the tub and me on the mangle, Dad did all the cobbling (shoe repairs). We did have a bath though and occasionally hot water to fill it. Happy days???

You were posh Vera, two tubs, we had to rinse in the sink- do you remember the dolly posh? I think that was the name, I've mentioned it before a three legged stool thingymajig.


Hi Mary,

Of course I remember the dolly posh and the rubbing board as well. Pooh blackleading and brassoing as well. Ronuck polish for the floors before we put the newspaper down. Good old days not so sure now?? lol never did us any harm though did it. Saturday penny gee! what you could do with that.

Eh!! not caught up with Hazel yet. rang her son but not caught them home yet, give her time to settle in now. They are only 10min away from me should be interesting.Hm!! interesting we are supposed to get 35 deg for the week end too. Guess you will cop a bit of hot weather too.

Regards Vera.

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Hi Vera

Going to ring tomorrrow. Have been waking about 2. 30am

so falling sleep through the day sort of instantly.

I remember the days of chimney sweeps I remember ours being swept and on coming home one day from school met my Dad and brother at the bottom of the rd. My brother was looking particularly black. More than usual and my Dad looked a little grimy too. When I looked up the road there was the fire engine outside our house, soot had fallen down the chimney and covered them, also burning the floor boards in front of the fire, a bit of a hazard having chimneys swept.


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:thumbsup: My Husband reckons he was fined ten bob (50p) for riding two on a bike way back in the early fifties,and had to pay for it out of the money earned doing two paper rounds and selling empty cheese crates at a tanner each.

Now some of the youngsters are riding two on a motor bike and selling drugs,and coming out with the old classic of the roaring 21st century "I'm bored"


Good old days?,you bet your sweet life they were!

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How about pop bottles? my nan used to give me 10p per week pocket money, but after a month or so, she would supprise me with a full create of empty pop bottles .... with a 5p return value. .... it was well worth struggling down to the corner shop with a heavy create of glass bottles for the 60p reward!


Essential Vaaapp

Edited by pinklady
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Bottle tops!!


Tops off of beer bottles used to have a cork insert which, if you levered them out, you could put the bottle top against your shirt, and reinsert the cork bit from the inside and the top would stay there like a badge.


How many did you have in your collection?


How many shirts did you ruin and get a thick ear for? :cool:

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Penistone rd in the 40s, yes my mum did bake her own bread in the little black oven &make meat and potato pies for sale in the front shop, look after 5kids.and at the same time posh the cloths in the back boiler.plus many more jobs. So do i blame her for running off while all the kids got dumped in Fullwood Homes?no.life was the pits for the average housewife with no chance of escape for 20 yrs to life

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