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Born in the 40's, 50's, 60's??

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............After watching a few programmes about child care I'm beginning to realise you have to give some freedom to your kids so that they can make mistakes and learn from them.....

That's true.


When I was a nipper in the 50s, I learned all about: gravity and terminal velocity by falling out of trees, water displacement and bouyancy by falling into rivers and ponds, edible plants by trying everything that looked tasty (but wasn't), the four seasons by going out in the wrong clothes contrary to parental advice, and wrong from right by comparing the likelihood of a thick ear from the nearest adult following my actions.


It were grand. :thumbsup:

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I find it hard to watch my daughter making mistakes but it's even harder watching playback of a DVD of a party etc when all I can hear is my own voice saying 'don't run, sit down, be carefull'


A video recorder is a powerful learning tool and a good reminder that you should 'shut yer gob' while filming...

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A video recorder is a powerful learning tool and a good reminder that you should 'shut yer gob' while filming...

Good point that Jules.


Slightly off topic, but I have a half hour video of foxes playing in our back garden which I took over several days. It is intriguing, and I have used it at school on several occasions to show the kids the environment on our doorsteps.


They have to watch it with the volume down, however, because one of the foxes decides to relieve itself on the grave of our departed collie. I can be heard to say, "Dirty buggers having a slash on Bess's grave!!" Spoils the whole ambiance of the video really. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...
That's true.


When I was a nipper in the 50s, I learned all about: gravity and terminal velocity by falling out of trees, water displacement and bouyancy by falling into rivers and ponds, edible plants by trying everything that looked tasty (but wasn't), the four seasons by going out in the wrong clothes contrary to parental advice, and wrong from right by comparing the likelihood of a thick ear from the nearest adult following my actions.


It were grand. :thumbsup:


Hey hold on there compared to todays education system before the 90's everybody left school as thick as the proverbial pig manure. I only achieved some CSE' and not all of them were 1's, but perhaps I'm just an embittered Senior Electrical Engineer who got where I am because of the values schools and parents gave us then.

By the way we were posh in our terrace in Neepsend, we had a carpeted kitchen. My Dad managed to get hold of some carpet samples and I spent a weekend sewing them togeher. There was nothing better than getting the tin bath down, heating the water on the gas ring and being able to walk bare foot after getting out. I tried to be the first in because for some reason the water level tended to rise after some one had been in, funny that isn't it. Mind you on a cold winters night the walk to the outsde lavvie is a bit off putting.

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Hey hold on there compared to todays education system before the 90's everybody left school as thick as the proverbial pig manure. I only achieved some CSE' and not all of them were 1's, but perhaps I'm just an embittered Senior Electrical Engineer who got where I am because of the values schools and parents gave us then.

By the way we were posh in our terrace in Neepsend, we had a carpeted kitchen. My Dad managed to get hold of some carpet samples and I spent a weekend sewing them togeher. There was nothing better than getting the tin bath down, heating the water on the gas ring and being able to walk bare foot after getting out. I tried to be the first in because for some reason the water level tended to rise after some one had been in, funny that isn't it. Mind you on a cold winters night the walk to the outsde lavvie is a bit off putting.

I think you got the bit about thick as pig muck wrong friend,take a look at all the people in their 40-50-60,who went on to become Doctors-Scientist-Teachers and some M.P.,s(not all)in those days we had Grammar Schools,Borstal Schools and for the majority of people respect,I know in the old days,we would leave our front door open,now you dare not open your mouth for fear of some scruffy ten year old who thinks school is for idiots tells you to F oFF


kindest regards



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Is it "Michael Jackson"?

Somebody under the bed

Whoever can it be?

I feel so very nervous

I call for Joanee

Joanee lights the candle

But there's nobody there

Hey! Hi! Diddeleedai

And out goes she


From 'The Mero' by The Dubliners. Thats an old song about the 'Troubles' and the loss of childhood innocence, in Dublin, so it must be an old rhyme

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Amazing thread, really brought back some memories that I had forgotten about. Was brought up in a 2 up 2 down with outside toilet and can remember putting on my coat to go in the winter time...paper cut up was always the radio times. Have 4 bathrooms now and can't imagine being without any of them. Strange how you change today even the dishwasher breaking down for a day seems a disaster! My Grandchildren are supervised and driven everywhere wheras we were just left to get up in the morning and could go out for the day in school holidays without any questions asked. We would go with jam sandwiches and a bottle of water on the tram to Millhouses Park and get into all sorts of scrapes. Happy days!!:)

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Yes lolmob, I'm enjoying it too. Iv'e just read the post about tearing up squares of newspaper for the loo. we used to thread it onto string and hg it up on the back of the door. It was always damp in winter, god knows what our backsides must have looked like, if the print came off it must have stayed there all week until we got that old tin bath and ladling can to fill it up out again.


Oh yes, I remember the newspaper toilet paper too!

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Thanks, and you're welcome Nan....


Does anyone remember the sugary crystal stuff you used to buy? You'd dip your finger in and lick it off....always ended up with a blue or orange finger!


We used to make our own out of cocoa and sugar and take it out in a cone made from newspaper.


Then there was BlackJacks and Fruit Salads from the penny tray-4 for a penny.....can you still get them? And those spaceshippy things made from ricepaper and filled with sherbert, and my favourites-white chocolate mice!



I think that sugary stuff used to be called something like "kaili" theres a little old fashioned sweet shop in Sheffield where you can still get some of the old stuff. Can u remeber American Ice Cream Soda? It was lovely, but doesn't taste half as nice these days.

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