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Born in the 40's, 50's, 60's??

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I was born 1941 and agree with practically all that's been said in the above posts.


The problem is most people born after 1970 simply don't believe us! The fact is a large number of people born less than 35 years ago have never lived in a civilised society and can't, therefore, imagine what it's like. They believe every single thing the government tells them, particularly the scare stories. This makes their over-controlled, nanny-ish lives a bit more exciting, if only by proxy.


If you're wrapped in a cocoon for too long it makes you very reluctant to venture outside . 'Big Brother' and 2 weeks in Spain with other like-minded Brits is as dramatic as it gets for millions in our 'Cool Britannia'.

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It might sound dull, but we were happy, there was no pressure to have expensive toys etc. our parents just didn't have the money and anyway there wasn't the amount of electronic stuff about then. In our family every Sunday lunch we had a bottle mof Jusoda or Tizer, and for Sunday tea we had tinned fruit and carnation cream in mums best Sunday dishes. If only some of the values that we grew up with could be adhered to today, society would surely be better.

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It might sound dull, but we were happy, there was no pressure to have expensive toys etc. our parents just didn't have the money and anyway there wasn't the amount of electronic stuff about then. In our family every Sunday lunch we had a bottle mof Jusoda or Tizer, and for Sunday tea we had tinned fruit and carnation cream in mums best Sunday dishes. If only some of the values that we grew up with could be adhered to today, society would surely be better.

Here Here Haze. :thumbsup:

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I try to tell my kids how life was in the 60's when I was a child - they reckon they would not have put up with it - but you just did - because there was noother way. Bread & dripping - yummy, and I also recall having the tinned fruit (in syrup) with carnation milk & bread & butter for Sunday tea!

Frost on the inside of the windows in winter, making toast over a real fire - ahhhh....I feel the 4 Yorkshireman sketch looming again!

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It might sound dull, but we were happy, there was no pressure to have expensive toys etc. our parents just didn't have the money and anyway there wasn't the amount of electronic stuff about then. In our family every Sunday lunch we had a bottle mof Jusoda or Tizer, and for Sunday tea we had tinned fruit and carnation cream in mums best Sunday dishes. If only some of the values that we grew up with could be adhered to today, society would surely be better.
It does make me think, how lucky the vast majority of children born in my generation are. I fully agree if the values of back then when you and my parents grew up were adhered to today....It would be a better place for all.:thumbsup:
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AND....we had to sit our exams without the help of textbooks, cheat sheets from the web, calculators or mobile phones.


And we had to write our answers legibly with a scratchy old steel-nibbed pen dipped in an inkwell - with no blots.


Many of us wil have been caned in school as well as receiving a clip or two round the ear and a hard rap on the knuckles with a ruler....not to mention flying slippers and blackboard dusters :o



But we survived, - because learning was a challenge not a chore :)

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I'm not quite old enough to have scratchy nibs and inkwells, but I did have to use a fountain pen. God help us if we got an ink splat on our excersise books.

We also went to school in knee deep snow. Today they send them home at the first sign of a flake or two.

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