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Born in the 40's, 50's, 60's??

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Did you have a toastig fork made out of thick twisted wire, usually manufactured by a relation/friend at work during the night shift.

The posh lot had a bought one with a brass galleon on the handle.

you are right yes my grandad made ours at british steele but we thought it was posh cos we had one
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In Germany, most villages have there own little weekly market. Ours is Friday, and now and again I go and buy a freshly baked uncut white loaf and then go to the butchers and buy a tub of pork dripping with crispy onion bits in it, then make a pig of myself at tea time. I alway say to my German partner (she eats it too) "I bet the Queen has never eaten this".

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We went sledging on the "Hilly Fields" at Treeton. Used to 'borrow' the ladder out of next doors' passage. About 20 kids on this ladder. By the time we got to the bottom, there were only about 5 left on. The rest were hanging on a barbed wire fence half way down the hill, because they forgot to duck!!!

So much fun and it never cost a penny. Didn't know what money was in those days. Every time I asked for some, me dad said i ant gorenny.

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Did you have a toastig fork made out of thick twisted wire, usually manufactured by a relation/friend at work during the night shift.

The posh lot had a bought one with a brass galleon on the handle.

We had one with the brass galleon handle, untill the day my Dad made one at work ..It was a unique design with two hooks to hold the slice of bread so it dangled in front of the fire..and when you wanted to toast the other side, all you had to do was twist the handle round 180 degrees and resume toasting.. I thought this was brill', until i saw a program on the the TV about the Ancient Romans and discovered they had invented it about 2 thousand years ago.

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