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Born in the 40's, 50's, 60's??

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You were all a lot of sissies! :hihi:


Asbestos dump? Dead mouse under the bed? A bit of snow?


Why, when I was a lad, we'd play roly-poly down the slag heap - where cousin Gordon broke a leg when a rather fat lad rolled over him.


We'd go swimming in the cut, and try and catch the water rats with our bare hands!


In the winter of '63, when the snow lay deep for months on end, we went a mile to school each day through the frost hardened snow drifts in our short trousers and plimsolls!


Electric blankets, central heating and even duvets were unheard of when I was a kid. We'd go to a cold bed at night in cotton pyjamas, and were lucky if we had a hot water bottle to warm our toes! We used to draw pictures with our finger on the hoar frost - on the inside of the window panes! :roll:

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This is why there are so many people hopelessly in debt to day they are trying to buy happiness, lacking the sense of survival which gave them the sense to do without and be happy with what they can afford.

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That washing machine brought back a few memories......but before that it was the old gas boiler, tub, posher, scrubbing board and hand wringer and all the wet clothes hanging up in the living room when it was raining.......I can still remember the smell of clean washing drying on the thingy that had pulleys and dropped down from the ceiling. Wash day was every Monday and a full days job. My grandmother used to do all that, bake bread, cook an evening meal and see to hoards of kids all at the same time and on her own.


And women complain about their lot today!

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I think Sweetcheeks hit on, perhaps, the most important aspect of life, pre-1970's-----imagination!


When children read or listen to something, their imagination is in 4th. gear.I feel sure that people in general, not only kids, used to enjoy radio comedy shows, for example just as much as people watching t.v. comedy today.


The constant use of imagination, hour after hour, day after day, made people, pre-1970, more individual-----they were in sharper contrast to each other because their imaginations were different. Now everyone sees the same images.


Add onto this, how innotative people had to be to overcome physical problems and how people enjoyed the anticipation of waiting or saving for something as well as actually getting it. Plus, people had to be more organised and reliable in the days when no-one had a mobile 'phone and very few had any kind of 'phone at all. Now, plans can be changed at the drop of a hat and children become ever-more dependent on their parents.


These are just some of the factors that made us different from today's people.I'm sure that despite being richer, overall, every survey seems to show that people in the U.K. are generally unhappier and more dissatisfied as each year goes by.The use of imagination has been the greatest change in my view; in fact I'm trying to imagine what 'Sweetcheeks' looks like-----imaginative name!

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