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What do you think to the Prices in clubs


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I have long stopped going out regular to the clubs mainly due to the prices because its the prices are extorniate pushing over £3 in most places its an absolute joke because not many people can really afford to go clubbing now.


I am 20 and i can remember only 5 years ago i could afford to go out 3 times a week clubbing with my mates but i can't be arsed to waste £60 £70 on a night out because thats near enough what it costs these days taxi fares from my area to sheffield at night cost about £15+ depending on what firm you use then theres your food and drink and entrance fees it all adds up plus the wages have not gone up at all really that makes it worse as well.


Its a shame really because there was nothing more that i loved doing than going clubbing at weekends i use to live for the weekends But due to the rip off prices i don't anymore.


Anyone else feel the same??

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I have long stopped going out regular to the clubs mainly due to the prices because its the prices are extorniate pushing over £3 in most places.

Stones is only £1.42 In Dinnington club, Go there like.

Turns are a bit naff though.

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Clubs have BIG costs, and all costs have gone up, the amount venues have to pay out just to open the doors is also very very expensive. They are not, as a general rule, making a HUGE mark up on drinks, with regard to overall running and operational costs.


Its just the cost of living in Britain these days....

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Was talking about club prices today actually,


I can remember around 6/7 years ago, Republic on a monday night was ace, £2/3 to get in and then drinks for 60p upwards.


Now it's about £5/7 to get in then at least £3+ for a drink.

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if i'm going clubbing i tend to stay in with my mates first - you can play the tunes u like, get wasted for a 1/4 of the price, then hop on the last bus into town and go straight to the venue - i can get away with spending around 30squid on a night out including cabs

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