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Frecheville. Anyone else experience any 'supernatural' goings on over last 30yrs?

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I lived on Hopefield Avenue from '73 when I was born 'til moving in '82, and I had some horrific experiences. My formative years were quite literally like something from a low budget Hollywood horror flick. As an adult I have tried via the WWW to locate anything relating to this but cannot. I was just wandering if there is anyone else out there who has had, or knows of someone else who has had, any similar experiences, regardless of the year. I'm interested in swapping notes and also on trying to find any possible explanation. I should point out that although, as one close friend put it, I attract strange things like a magnet, I do still fall quite firmly in the skeptic camp though do have an open mind.

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  • 4 years later...

I remember one strange story when I at school at Frecheville comp. A teacher there actually told us that she was marking work at the end of the day in one of those prefab classrooms between the dining buildings and the youthy. When she actually saw a troop of soldiers march right through the wall of the classroom and out of the other side. The only thing was, she saw them just from the chest upwards...rest of their bodies was under the floor, which is just about right seeing those buildings was like on stilts.

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My father coming home from a meeting one night around 11pm he was driving along smalldale rd when this figure crossed the road in front of him which made him brake suddenly. My dads first thought was how tall this chap was and maybe he had been to a fancy dress for he had a long dark cape like coat on. As this fellow walked in front of the car and half way across the road he disappearred into thin air! My dad says it was just like a light bulb suddenly been turned off! spooky!!

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Does your first name begin with a j? if so i remember hearing about your experiences..could. have the wrong person though.


Sorry no D. But I have heard of a deano. Ive lived on frechy all my life and so has my father.

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