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The Fez Club - A Stay Of Execution!

X666 FJP

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The rumor mill has undoubtably been rolling away on this one, this is the official lowdown. Under new ownership The Fez Club will be operating as usual throughout October, after discussions with the new owners, the management are happy to confirm we will be adopting a (wait and see) policy on all events in the Fez Club. Providing business is good and the relationship between the promoters and new owners is maintained, many of the current events running in Fez will be able to continue. Watch this space for further updates. It's now up you guys to keep the dream alive. :thumbsup:

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Very good news if true.


It now comes down to each and every one of the people on here to put their money where their mouths are and get along to every event at the Fez they can this month to make sure they are successful. Give the new owners something to think about.

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The rumor mill has undoubtably been rolling away on this one, this is the official lowdown. Under new ownership The Fez Club will be operating as usual throughout October, after discussions with the new owners, the management are happy to confirm we will be adopting a (wait and see) policy on all events in the Fez Club. Providing business is good and the relationship between the promoters and new owners is maintained, many of the current events running in Fez will be able to continue. Watch this space for further updates. It's now up you guys to keep the dream alive. :thumbsup:


Yipeeeeee!!! :D (jumps around whooping and punching the air).


I can come out of mourning now. :)

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X666. the biggest problem for me, was finding out exactly what nights were going on and where, on which night. until we sort that problem out, the smaller nights are always gonna get side-lined. what's the solution? where's a good site for up to date info?

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