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Ingoldmells market "auctions"

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Hi, I saw these men operate in the steelers building in shiregreen years ago.

I never purchased anything as i decided id watch first , luckily i cottoned on to the sham and didn't buy.


I was at Butlins this year and decided to have a walk in to Ingoldmalls.

Got to the market and i could here him, explaining that the phones were x display models and how the stores sold the models to him dirt cheap.


He went on to say "Were not here to take your money under false pretences

Do you think the market inspectors etc would keep letting us have this pitch

if that was the case." He said they wouldnt risk it, or words to that effect.


I went for a look round and came back that way to hear him still spinning a yarn.

He even said to one woman's husband, tell her to take her money back if she cant afford it, as i dont want to take it and leave her short.

This was an obvious ploy to make the woman think oh what a sincere man,

and then she was even more determined to part with the money.


These men have been operating so long, as i said it was years ago when i first saw them infact the 90s.

You cant mistake one of them he looks like one half of bully beef and chips

from the kids comic, very round fat face and straight fringe and exagerated muscles and sleeper in his ear, very chav looking.

The other ones just a grey haired old con.

Still it never ceases to amaze me how the general public keep falling for this con trick.

There must be a legal loophole somewhere as these men would have been

in court years ago.

But then again if people will give him the money they've only themselves to blame.

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This is well publised con trick and has been in the news almost every week every year for the last twenty or thirty years to my knowledge in one form or another you would think the general public wiould have got the message by now NO!!. But every week ingoldmells auction manages to con hundreds. its the old story something for nothing. I have no sympathy for anyone who gets caught out with this scam.

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How many time do people have to be told "IF IT SEEMS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, THEN IT IS". These people are there to make money, not friends, so would they really sell you something worth £50 for a fiver ? No, they'll make you think that, while selling you something worth 50p for a fiver.

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we have stood there and listened to them waffle on, what con men. You wouldn't think the council would let them get away with it. I no of a few people who got goosed by them. Its awful when you are on holiday and you think you are getting a bargain, when u aint, Its the innocent who suffer. Youo are right they have someone plotted in the crowd. terriable,

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Ive seen them when they set up in the market and I watched as the staff set the stall up and then after a chat with the gaffer, they then wander off and return 10mins or so later when he has started up with his waffle over the mike and they then become part of the crowd and start all the bidding.


One season I went through the market and recognised one of the con staff as a bloke who I knew vaguely who used to live on Symonds Crescent in Sheffield before they knocked it all down.


Once I realised that he was involved and it was a different season but the same pitch ,i knew there and then that it hadnt changed and was the same old con and waffle.

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  • 1 month later...

I once went passed one which opened up in Chester. There was a guy from trading standards outside saying something like "We are trying to shut these people down. They are con artists. Don't go inside." Was the place empty? Was it eck as like! Some people can't even be told!

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we too was conned like this a few years ago in eastgate market.we were told we were getting a video camera which takes still digital pics also. he showed us the camera working for a few moments then continued to go round taking peoples money. we parted with 90 quid and when we got the camera we checked it and yeah it filmed. for a grand total of 3 minutes and 7 seconds!!!! we went back and confronted the guy(the ugly monster that he was) to be told to f' off you got what you paid for, before his scroats came and stood in front of us. all 5 of them. what a bunch of conmen.but hey you learn your lesson.:(

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  • 4 years later...
I have to admit i fell for the one at ingoldmells and ive sworn revenge ever since!

They have people in the crowd working for them who part with cash and seem to get really good electrical stuff for next to nowt. This gets you to join in and part with your money - in the end you walk away with some crap that wasnt worth the money or the long wait.


The ps2's, nokias, x-boxes are all there to make you think you can get one at a bargain price.


A right con :rant:


its sort of like come and get your red baloons any colour you like

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