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Anyone have experience of Phentermine diet pills

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I stopped going about 2 years ago. From what I remember the tablets were £15 (i think) for 7 tablets, which sounds a lot I know but I thought well I'd rather spend £15 on tablets to make me thin than £30 a week on Take Aways to make me fat :D Also the more you buy the cheaper they are.

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Theres a good one i used called `Xenical` ,what they do is (sounds crude but only way to describe it) , they suck up the fat that you eat and when you go to the toilet for a number 2 the fat collected comes out (and there is normally loads)so it never get absorbed into your body.






Isnt that primarily used for treating Obese people? (as opposed to people who may just want to slim down)


Doesnt it also make you fart like a trooper?

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that displays in dollars, is there an english site?


UPDATE ... I went to a medical diet clinic yesterday and got a weeks supply of phentermine, Because my bad eating habits are mainly in the evenings, i was perscribed 15mg pill in the morning, and another at 5pm (usually perscribed as 1 30mg pill each morning). I was wide awake till 5am:shocked:


This morning i took the whole 30mg straight away and i wont take anymore till tomorrow, i just hope i'll be able to sleep tonight!


Ive been a little spaced out, nothing serious, just felt more 'chilled' than usual and ive got a raging thirst, apparently sleeplessness, thirst and 'spaced feeling' is quite normal for the 1st week, so hopefully it'll subside next week.

the good side effect that ive got is .... Ive got loads of energy, ive cleaned like a mad woman today and enjoyed doing it! Also because this is an appitite supresser, i had doubts whether it would work for me (I dont have to be hungry to eat!), but its fab, im having to force myself to eat anything, and for the 1st time in my life ... snacking and chocolate doesnt appeal to me! :thumbsup:


Apparently using these pills i should lose between 8 & 10 pounds per week (Ive got 4 stone to go:( ) so .... wish me luck


Sounds like a combination of Ecstacy and Cocaine.


Have you been making lots of phone calls at 3am as well!?

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Sounds like a combination of Ecstacy and Cocaine.


Have you been making lots of phone calls at 3am as well!?



I have been told by a nurse (a personal friend) that it is actually 'speed' but at a safe, legal dosage :o .... I've never used speed before (or even know what 'speed' is) so i cant compare the two



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Really ?? So, that was a waste of money then huh ?


What about Trimmers ?

They're all the same sort of product.

I wouldn't touch em unless you're using them specifically for the gym.

What they do is force your body to burn fractionally more calories during a work out than without taking them.


If you want something that works for weight then xenical is good... I have used them in the past. However be prepared for some toilet side effects such as runny poo etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...
has anybody took phentermine diet tablets?


any success or horror stories?


please let me know, im considering using them.


please dont fill the thread about healthy diets ... I know all about them, I'm just after your experiences of medical diet pills.

hiii pink lady, if you really want to lose weight quickly then diet pills are the best. i have tried phentermine diet pills and lost 8 lbs in one week. i m happy now but if you want to try go for prescribed diet pills. if you want to know more about other weight lose products

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has anybody took phentermine diet tablets?


any success or horror stories?


please let me know, im considering using them.


please dont fill the thread about healthy diets ... I know all about them, I'm just after your experiences of medical diet pills.

hiii pink lady, if you really want to lose weight quickly then diet pills are the best. i have tried phentermine diet pills and lost 8 lbs in one week. i m happy now but if you want to try go for prescribed diet pills. if want to know more about diet pillsn you can try sueshealthcenters weight loss products

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