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Sheffield Districts Jericho, Philadelphia, Gatefield

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Eeeek, Help needed please !


I'm Sheffield born and bred, but it's been a while since I was resident as a local. I'm trying to piece together boundries for the following locations/districts, any help gratefully received, Thank You all.


Jericho (think this may by near Meadow Street, Burnt Tree Lane)


Port Mahon (excuse my spelling, near the Infirmary, as was ?) Where does the name come from ?


Philadelphia (Kelvin area ??, I seem to remember a pub, or club from the early 60's called the Philadelphia, seemed "new" at the time, mind you, so was I :o)


Gatefield, Centrefield, Farfield (all 1831 related); I know of a Farfield Pub, and have a vague recollection of a "Gatefield" as part of Kelvin Flats ..... maybe...


Eldon ... district ??


All resonably closely located, if you can help, many Thanks to you

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Eeeek, Help needed please !


I'm Sheffield born and bred, but it's been a while since I was resident as a local. I'm trying to piece together boundries for the following locations/districts, any help gratefully received, Thank You all.


Jericho (think this may by near Meadow Street, Burnt Tree Lane)


Port Mahon (excuse my spelling, near the Infirmary, as was ?) Where does the name come from ?


Philadelphia (Kelvin area ??, I seem to remember a pub, or club from the early 60's called the Philadelphia, seemed "new" at the time, mind you, so was I :o)


Gatefield, Centrefield, Farfield (all 1831 related); I know of a Farfield Pub, and have a vague recollection of a "Gatefield" as part of Kelvin Flats ..... maybe...


Eldon ... district ??


All resonably closely located, if you can help, many Thanks to you



There was a Farfield Road at Neepsend, by the Gasometers.

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I wonder if some of these names could be old council election wards? I remember that Roy Hattersley first stood as a councilor for 'primrose ward' which was part of the original kelvin area. A primrose was the last thing you would expect to find there.

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I wonder if some of these names could be old council election wards? I remember that Roy Hattersley first stood as a councilor for 'primrose ward' which was part of the original kelvin area. A primrose was the last thing you would expect to find there.


although.... ta-DAH! there WAS a Primrose Hill by the bottom of Burgoyne Rd. this linky on multimap takes you to burgoyne road, primrose hill is just above, near creswick st (I could not get the map to centre on that street (GRRRR) http://www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?client=public&X=434000&Y=388750&width=700&height=400&gride=433933.724965686&gridn=388689.319733419&srec=0&coordsys=gb&db=GB&addr1=&addr2=burgoyne+road&addr3=+sheffield&pc=&advanced=&local=&localinfosel=&kw=&inmap=&table=&ovtype=&keepicon=true&zm=0&scale=5000&multimap.x=389&multimap.y=128


RE Port Mahon (pronounced Pooort Mee-on), I do know that many irish settlers populated that area many years ago. Maybe (especially with the clue of the pronunciation) the naming of that district has to do with the settlers?


My ex hubby's Irish great-grandparents settled there, in St Vincent's parish, one of his relatives owned a corner shop down that way, somewhere near Burnt Tree Lane. approximately here




retep, maybe the "field" names refer to the fields that were there 200+ years ago, before industrialisation...


Jericho (think this may by near Meadow Street, Burnt Tree Lane)


Port Mahon (excuse my spelling, near the Infirmary, as was ?) Where does the name come from ?


Philadelphia (Kelvin area ??, I seem to remember a pub, or club from the early 60's called the Philadelphia, seemed "new" at the time, mind you, so was I )


Gatefield, Centrefield, Farfield (all 1831 related); I know of a Farfield Pub, and have a vague recollection of a "Gatefield" as part of Kelvin Flats ..... maybe...


Eldon ... district ??


jericho- there was/is a jericho street, near the top of netherthorpe, opposite the arts tower, (still there, now council bungalows, IIRC)


Port mahon- see my earlier comment, above.


there was indeed a philadelphia club, and one of the brown-clad, Martin Street/ Oxford Street tower blocks was called philadelphia, (most are named after local streets, burlington, martin, oxford etc) the area by the bottom of crookesmoor, near kelvin, was called philadelphia. the residential rows on Kelvin flats were named for local streets, Kelvin Walk, Woolen walk, Edith walk, and Portland Walk, if I remember rightly.


eldon... Eldon st is here:-http://www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?client=public&GridE=-1.47749&GridN=53.37907&lon=-1.47749&lat=53.37907&search_result=Eldon%20Street%2C%20SHEFFIELD%2C%20S1&GridN=53.37907&GridE=-1.47749&db=GB&lang=&keepicon=true&place=Eldon%20Street%2C%20SHEFFIELD%2C%20S1&pc=&advanced=&client=public&addr2=eldon%20street&quicksearch=eldon%20street%20sheffield&addr3=%20sheffield&scale=5000&addr1= it runs pretty much between west st and charter Row, (Back of the moor)

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Jericho street ran from St. Philips road (opposite the end of Hammond street) down to Upper Allen street. But that small locality was known as Jericho before the street was named. According to R E Leader Jericho was among a number of strangely named places in the area, eg Egypt, Assyria, and Ninevah which were lost before his time.


Philadelphia seems to have been a small area between Infirmary road and Penistone road near Bacon Island, - the Philadelphia Steel Works were in fact located on Bacon island.


The Farfield pub was built on the site of a farm of the same name and there used to be a Farfield House nearby.


On Tayler's 1832 map Port Mahon is shown at the junction of St. Philips road and Watery street about where Fountain square was built, but I expect that is long gone.


What is the significance of 1831 ?

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Jericho street ran from St. Philips road (opposite the end of Hammond street) down to Upper Allen street. But that small locality was known as Jericho before the street was named. According to R E Leader Jericho was among a number of strangely named places in the area, eg Egypt, Assyria, and Ninevah which were lost before his time. <snip>


my grandfather lived on the "canada"- a part of netherthorpe up near the top end, near summer street/ winter street area.

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Indeed, the 1831 reference relates to some 1831 Census data I have; I just thought the Farfield, Centrefield, Gatefield bits might have been and gone in later years.


Many Thanks for your information.


The Farfield area remained and still does but no housing,

Gatefield was still there at least up to 1861, I had a gg who died there,

Centrefield seems to be still there at least up to 1855, its on the map next to Philadelphia.

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