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Bum deal cos I'm NOT a student

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Just wanting to get something off of my chest and wonder if anyone else feels the same way as me.


Before I start, this is not a dig at students.


I went into Sheffield Town Centre on BH Monday night with a few friends. Why is it that just about every pub we went in offered special offers on drinks when you produced a student card or a discount card which you can only get once your a student. Muggings here (who has been going to these pubs for the last 10 years) has to pay full price (which wasn't cheap). To top this all off, we decided to finish our night at Kingdom Nightclub but to my utter discust, we weren't even allowed in because we're not students.


Come on. Is it just me or are people who haved lived in Sheffield all their life getting a bum deal. I say they should introduce discount cards and special nights for Sheffielder's and locals.


Anyone else?

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It's ****** me off for ages.I knoe they bring a large amount of revenue in but do they really deserve all this discount? It also ****** people off who py £11 a week for a bus pass and they only pay £8.


Worse still is the bogus students.You all know who I mean,the immigrants who arrive on bogus college courses and get the NUS card so they get discounts galore.

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Originally posted by uncleheed

You all know who I mean,the immigrants who arrive on bogus college courses and get the NUS card so they get discounts galore.


If we all know who they are why hasn't anyone reported them to the Universities, the police or even the immigration authorities?

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Originally posted by uncleheed

so you've never seen one of these then Max?You really should get out more


I take it you have then? If so, why haven't you done your public duty and reported them?:loopy:

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Worse still is the bogus students.You all know who I mean,the immigrants who arrive on bogus college courses and get the NUS card so they get discounts galore.




I don't know, this used to be a great country...

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Originally posted by JamesRich

Just wanting to get something off of my chest and wonder if anyone else feels the same way as me.


Before I start, this is not a dig at students.


I went into Sheffield Town Centre on BH Monday night with a few friends. Why is it that just about every pub we went in offered special offers on drinks when you produced a student card or a discount card which you can only get once your a student. Muggings here (who has been going to these pubs for the last 10 years) has to pay full price (which wasn't cheap). To top this all off, we decided to finish our night at Kingdom Nightclub but to my utter discust, we weren't even allowed in because we're not students.


Come on. Is it just me or are people who haved lived in Sheffield all their life getting a bum deal. I say they should introduce discount cards and special nights for Sheffielder's and locals.


Anyone else?


Yeah iv'e had the same problem too. I like to go out mid week instead of weekends really gets me going!!. I was in Edinbugh the other month and went out on a wednesday night, I couldn't get in anywhere because I wasn't a student. Student prices for beer etc should be more expensive thatn regular prices to stop the majority of them blowing all their money away (:P waits for the abuse now from every student on here)

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I'm not saying clubs shouldn't run promotions, but what is the point in not letting me in because I'm not a student, It's all money in the till at the end of the day.


What I would really, really like to see is a mass boycot of these type of pubs/clubs by Sheffielder's over the summer months when the students have gone home.


Lets see if they would turn down my money then.


I don't think so!!!

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