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Just so you know there is a fight, within America... for America

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I think America will break up into 2 or more nations within the next 30 years. There's a massive disconnect between the liberals on both coasts and the people in "flyover country" in the rest of the country.


People also said that there shall be a "united Europe" and that has not happened. Look at it now! Everybody wants to flee.

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The man speaking in the video used to be the Sheriff of Arizona. You wont be satisfied with anything I produce.


The man was a sheriff in Arizona and regardless of who he was he is still a nutcase along with all the other Tea Party/NRA/survivalist lunatics. I won't agree with anything you produce because you're a right-wing conspiracy theorist with little understanding of reality.


---------- Post added 24-03-2014 at 08:06 ----------


I think America will break up into 2 or more nations within the next 30 years. There's a massive disconnect between the liberals on both coasts and the people in "flyover country" in the rest of the country.


When Happ Hazzard backs up your arguments you're in trouble.

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Why should some politician based in Washington be able to tell the people of Arizona what to do? They live in two completely different worlds, thousands of miles away from each other. It'd be like someone in Moscow ruling over us.


Except that Arizona and Washington are in the same country whereas we and Moscow are in different countries. Washington is also the capital of the USA and politicians there form part of the government which has jurisdiction over Arizona and the rest of the USA. If you have to be told these things then you really are clueless.

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Except that Arizona and Washington are in the same country whereas we and Moscow are in different countries. Washington is also the capital of the USA and politicians there form part of the government which has jurisdiction over Arizona and the rest of the USA. If you have to be told these things then you really are clueless.


well I didn't want to tell you.......but.......:roll:






---------- Post added 24-03-2014 at 10:27 ----------


People also said that there shall be a "united Europe" and that has not happened. Look at it now! Everybody wants to flee.


how come on here constantly moan about people fleeing TO Europe then?

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Reagan really was rather similar to Thatcher in that after both of them had finished their terms, in 1988 and 1990, the ability of their parties, the US Republicans and the UK Conservatives, to win elections became much less. Although both Reagan and Thatcher were immeadiately succeded by other Republicans and Conservatives, in Bush Snr and John Major, after that, it started to get much harder for their parties to win.


it is quite strikingly similar. Between 1953 which is when Eisenhower came in, and 1993, when Bush Snr left, the Republicans had the presidency for 70% of the time. In those same 40 years, the UK Conservatives had the Prime Minister for almost exactly the same time.


since then, it has been downhill for both the US Republicans and the UK Conservatives. Since 1992, which was one of those years where US and UK elections occured in the same year and today, 2014, Republicans have had the presidency for only 8 out of 22 years, and the UK Conservatives for 9. In other words, exactly the reverse of before for both of them.


the GOP has just shifted totally to the right and left the mainstream US electorate behind. If Nixon was a Republican candidate today, he would be scorned as being ultra liberal.

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This is an aged old conspiracy. 20 years ago when I was into conspiracy theories circa the X-Files, the UN troops on American soil flying around in unmarked helicopters planning on taking over the USA was favourite a conspiracy then.

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Sorry for resurrecting an old thread but I thought it better to post what I have to say in this thread rather than start a new one.


There seems to be serious trouble brewing in America, that something major is going to happen, perhaps this year according to some conspiracy theorists.


Apparently for a while now there has been American, and even some foreign troops and militarised police conducting training exercises on urban/suburban streets at night. People have filmed soldiers on their property with weaponry doing whatever they're doing, with some people having their cameras confiscated from them and calls to the police about it leading to nothing, and there is little mainstream news coverage of it.


There is a lot of speculation as to why this is going on, some believe the Dollar is about to collapse and America is going to go on a sudden and drastic downward spiral leading to mass panic and looting ect, so troops on the streets will be brought in to restore order.


Another theory is that the federal government is seeking to "Europeanise" America, in other words socialise the economy, healthcare and bring in strict gun controls, and so the troops are needed to deal with the potential armed civil uprising in resistance to it.


This may be of help.



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The collapse of the dollar or at least it ceasing to be the reserve currency of the world, possibly as early as this year, is being predicted by many reputable and credible people.




Do you have any names or links I could read please?

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