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Holiday Inn - Manchester Road (Broomhill)

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I think not. The Uni is selling property not purchasing it.

Fortunately their attempts to flog some halls of residence has hit the buffers or there'd be even more pressure put on the residential areas in Broomhill, Walkley and Eccy road

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  • 4 months later...
Originally posted by tas1

Well works started or at least the preparation for it - the site is now fenced off.


Might be "fenced off" but you can actually get inside and get right up the top floors. Nothing is locked up. Great, worth it for the view apparently. Nothing is broken or damaged inside so its a totally safe structure. There appears to be no work going on, just a rubbish security fence that anyone can get over. At least, according to some friends of mine....

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Hmm, well the chap that's bought it has a habit of 'collecting' buildings and then leaving them for a while. I wouldn't bet against it being like that for some time. He is very wealthy and I wouldn't think that it will hurt his pocket to leave it.

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