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Springfield School

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Here we go again,with some wonderful memories thanks to you Willybite,I remember Les Moore, lived on Monmouth St,his cousin was my best mate,Kenneth Wild who lived a few doors away from us,Ken,or Curly as he was known was my soul brother for about 10 years until he joined the Navy and subsequently during his service got married,some years ago through my sister Joy who regularly met up with Les Moores widow I was able to have a lovely reunion with Ken just before he died for which I am eternally thankful.

Back to Les Moore I saw him play for Derby County at Hillsborough,and then he went to Lincoln City, he was player/manager for Buxton,and the last time I saw him he was playing on a monthly contract with Lockheed Leamington, and well into his forties.The funny thing about Les was when we young and playing football he could not play for toffee!, no ball sense,no skills but went on to become a pro.

Jack Fletcher was in the same class as my sister.

What about all those lovely pubs,all well remembered too,a very good mate of mine from those days,and still is,had an uncle who lived on Egerton St and his local was the Scarborough, and we always went there on Sunday dinner for a couple of pints with him,a game of darts or solo.The landlord was a man called Bardwell,and his son Kenneth was the featured singer with the Ken Mackintosh Big Band, he worked with the name Kenny Bardell.

The Broomhall was another favourite watering hole,a mate of mine was Frank Oldale who lived in Aberdeen St, he was little older than me and had finished his National Service before me so when I was on leave we would have a few pints in the Broomhall, and when I was demobbed we always enjoyed some great times there.

The Aberdeen was on the corner opposite where we lived and during the war the landlord was Horace Machin,who when there was an air raid always opened the pub because I don't think he wanted to be on his own

The laundry was on the corner opposite Richards,on the other corner was and still is I think St Silas Church,and you are correct a paper shop.

The name Broadhurst rings a bell but that is all, I shall have to consult my sister with one or two of these names,she is younger than I am,I do know one of her schoolmates was lad called Dennis Groves who served in Korea and had a very hard time when he was taken POW.

I lived on Upper Hanover St from 1935 until 1964 whenI got married and met and knew some wonderful people and friends with memories I shall keep for the rest of my life.Keep themcoming please!!!!!

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hiya highnote willy bite here again i have a few more names for you to log on to but first have read your last letter and i remember the name of dennis groves, and your sister may remember maureen broadhurst i think she was around jack fletchers age any how its getting a bit harder for me as i am now 71 and the names we've passed on i have in some cases have known their siblings better,Right then a few more that i remember do you remember billy, and ken dean from headford street,or the shores from headford street, cliff ransom broomhall street,harry cotten headford street.the websters and the humphries from cavendish street, and one that has just come to me was billy telfer,do you remember the walkers from clarence street ernest was a bit older than me i knew derek better, and there was the baldwins david and peter broomhall street the naylors michael and raymond, from the bottom of aberdeen street their dad was in the fire brigade during the war and after, there was graham axe he went in the navy i think his sister was shirley ray paramore rip i knew all his siblings, terry and pat were in my year at school

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Hi Willy,do you remember Brian Dean, a good swimmer. I think he swam for the Sheffield Dolphins with Peter Price (our school teacher). And did'nt Dereck Walker keep a pub somewhere in town.

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hiya jackd i've just read your letter you've written about brian dean he was the best swimmer in our year at school you were right about him swimming for the dolphins also peter price. i used to see peter price the odd time at the bookies where we live although i hav'nt seen him for about seven years as that was the last time i had a bet, the first time we bumped into each other i said you don't remember me do you, we were at springfield school together, but you were the teacher and i was the pupil. he asked me who were in my year at springfield, i said two or three names ernest parks,brian dean, terry constantine, he remembered all the names then he asked me my name when i said white he said billy white i remember you you used to bowl funny at cricket, i didn't think i did, my uncle worked as a groundsman at bramhall lane and he would ask for tips from the likes of johnnie wardle,and other yorkshire players then pass it on to me,it was around 30 years ago was when i met peter price and i asked him if he was still teaching he said no, he hadn't taught for twelve or thirteen years, the kids were not like when you lot were in my class you lot would do as you were told i said i remember when we did wrong you would say "get my size eleven slipper out of the cupboard".ernest parks died at eighteen and terry constantine when he was around twenty or twenty one.i do sometimes go to chesterfield with my wife and if any time you're out and about look out for a motorized scooter as i have to use one as my legs arn't working very well,it would be great to shake your hand and say hallo. you asked about derek walker, he had the golden ball at the corner of townhead street his mate at school was do you remember david baldwin, he had the parkhead at eccleshall rd south then the omega resteraunt. terry room had a pub around maltby.

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jackd do you remember the name barry cheswick he was in the year higher than our year he lived near gell street and upper hanover street he had a relative called derek ash and something at the back of my mind was the name freddie hodgson. well i was reading an ex pats website some while ago and it said he was an ex pupil, he lives in australia and is was an hospital church-man

.HIGHNOTE do you remember kenneth carr from broomspring lane he lived in the first house down from victoria street he emigrated to australia then came back just before one of his parents died he has since gone back again, . willybite

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Hi there

My dad was born in 1932 and went to Springfield about that time, His name was Bill Wait and had sisters called Joan, Kath, Dorothy and Sheila. I think they lived on Monmouth Street then. I went in the seventies and remember all the teachers including my favourite Mr Wareham

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hiya john d i was talking to my cousin last week and was telling her about being in touch with your letters,as soon as i mentioned your name was dukes

she said a girl in her class was ... dukes i dont recall her christian name her name was elaine burgess, she had a sister called jacqueline and one called ann, elaine was born in sept 1944.

ps jack do you remember these names marie birks,margaret bowen, arthur waymouth

brian nussey,colliers,( CHIMNEY SWEEP) what was the family name of the tatooist on wilkinson st, yospurs ben, gordon.

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Hi Willy, yes i have a sister called Linda who was born in 1944,

Marie Birks lived across the road from me, and Gordon, Ben Yosper lived a few doors away, that was on Gloucester street. Arthur (titch) Weymouth lived across from where the Hallamshire hospital now stands. Brian Nussey used to live on Ruth square of Dorset street,and the name of the tattooist i think was Johnson. You'r digging some old memories up mate.

All the best, Jack.

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Hi Willy, yes i have a sister called Linda who was born in 1944,

Marie Birks lived across the road from me, and Gordon, Ben Yosper lived a few doors away, that was on Gloucester street. Arthur (titch) Weymouth lived across from where the Hallamshire hospital now stands. Brian Nussey used to live on Ruth square of Dorset street,and the name of the tattooist i think was Johnson. You'r digging some old memories up mate.

All the best, Jack.


hiya jack one or two names for you, can you remember the hadley's was it brian, the timm,s, peter and audrey i recall, the dawber's doris,john. just remembered pamela marrison, she married harold broadhurst, who i worked with at laycocks.

ps peter bullock. another name just come to me

pps. just thought was it kenneth hadley not brian.

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Hi Willy, remember Doris Dawber, Pam Marrison's dad had a butchers shop at the top of Broomspring Lane. I think i've run out of names to remember now, that i was at school with. My dad was at springfield school, and i've got a photo of him and his class, i reckon taken about 1926 ish.

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