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Springfield School

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Hi everyone, I think my Dad George Lucas went to Springfirld School, he lived at 24 Fitzwilliam Street in 1936 I believe it was a shoe repaires shop.


hiya i lived just a bit lower down from springfield school on bath st i do remember the cobblers shop at the top of fitzwilliam st the name lucas dosn't ring any bells. from the top riight side from west st was on the corner pollards( the smell of their coffee roasting i can still smell it now) then a shoe shop, an optitians, then the raven( harvey floods) then freeman oakes(austin showroom}then a bespoke tailor, then your cobblers, below was a row of houses one of which a school mate lived(freddie wright his dad was a miner)lower down was the back of surmanco, then ernest hills( nesthills) at the top on the left hand side on the corner was a tobacconist(found out years later it was an hair-dressers in 1895.)whose grandson i worked with at laycocks a jack thompson.

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hiya i lived just a bit lower down from springfield school on bath st i do remember the cobblers shop at the top of fitzwilliam st the name lucas dosn't ring any bells. from the top riight side from west st was on the corner pollards( the smell of their coffee roasting i can still smell it now) then a shoe shop, an optitians, then the raven( harvey floods) then freeman oakes

(austin showroom}then a bespoke tailor, then your cobblers, below was a row of houses one of which a shool mate lived(freddie wright his dad was a miner)lower down was the back of surmanco, then ernest hills( nesthills) at the top on the left hand side on the corner was a tobacconist( found out years later it was an hair-dressers whose grandson i worked with at laycocks a jack thompson.


Hi Ya Willy, Freddie Wright, thats a name from the past. Have'nt seen him for over 50 years.

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Hi Ya Willy, Freddie Wright, thats a name from the past. Have'nt seen him for over 50 years.


hiya jack i've just read your letter regarding freddie wright, sorry to tell you fred died some years ago, ray clarkson when we worked together would keep me informed. i wrote some others on on earlier post. the earliest was ernest parkes at eighteen .then terry constantine his was an accident on a buildingf site at around twenty one then there were doug jaffreyand gordon fell, i forgot to mentionbefore richard turton lived below us around 1963/4 his wife had triplets, we used to see him outside the city hall with his hot dog barrow in the 50s.

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This brings back a lot of memmories for me. I went to Springfield School from 1942 to 1950 and I lived at 32 Thomas Street. I am Derek Ash and my brothers one older who is 76 George and Kenneth who is 66 and I am 74. My best friend at School was Harold Goodison. My cousin is Barry Cheswick and we both live in Australia. I remember a lot of the names you have mentioned Do you remember Alan Stocks who lived behind us in the yard in Thomas Street. Alan has been dead for 24 years and we have now lost track of his wife Pam. I also was good mates with Terrence Choice. I was also friends with Brian Brooks on Bath Street. Also Keith Pepper in Thomas Street. Can't wait to get a reply. My cousin Barry has told me about this site.

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Hi Willy, i remember Ray Clarkson and Richard Turton. Do you remember Alan Turton he lived next door to Ted Kenyon in the same yard as Terry Constantine. I last saw him whilst serving in Aden,we just bumped into each other, that was around 1959.

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Hi Willybite The Paul Davison you knew, did he live up Broomspring lane, just above Gloucester st he had a sister and his father was a AA moter bike driver.


hiya arthur my paul davison lived in clarence st on the opposite side to viners just below egerton st sorry, but his grandmother lived in broomspring lane up one of the entries above the school.( she was his mums mum) ps your name rings a bell somewhere.


ps the paul davison i wrote about was an only child, his father was a buffer his name was freddie,

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This brings back a lot of memmories for me. I went to Springfield School from 1942 to 1950 and I lived at 32 Thomas Street. I am Derek Ash and my brothers one older who is 76 George and Kenneth who is 66 and I am 74. My best friend at School was Harold Goodison. My cousin is Barry Cheswick and we both live in Australia. I remember a lot of the names you have mentioned Do you remember Alan Stocks who lived behind us in the yard in Thomas Street. Alan has been dead for 24 years and we have now lost track of his wife Pam. I also was good mates with Terrence Choice. I was also friends with Brian Brooks on Bath Street. Also Keith Pepper in Thomas Street. Can't wait to get a reply. My cousin Barry has told me about this site.


hiya derek i remember a few years back when you came back for a visit, i saw a report in our star newspaper i remember all your family very well (are you still cycling) i remember harold goodison he lived just below where you lived at 32,he lived in the same yard as the waites, and freemans, just over the back on egerton st lived, the browns family corner of thomas st and egerton st, then raymond higgins, his cousins were the other brown family,

jack,kenneth,sylvia,(ann, rip) then tessa rutter, then the naylors, across thomas lane lived brian white, as for terry choice i met him some 25 years ago he was a close nieghbour of my daughter's. i lived at number 20 the corner above where you lived at 32 unti i was about 2/3. i lived in the yard where the bookie stood after we moved ,didn't your family move on to edward

st flats.i remember your cousin barry i once saw a letter he'd posted on another thread in fact i've mentioned his name on one of my posts. a name also was freddie hodgson was he a relative of yours?.i had heard of alan stocks death.i met brian brooks 18 years ago he had a market stall on the moor, i asked him if he'd made anything at drum playing and he told me he'd been in various bands including the one at the city hall dances. its a small world with a computer intit all the best to you all bill white

p.s some more names for you i'm sure you're to remember the moss's coles's ,the ridge's ,glave's,ford's.kitcheman's, battersy.jack hudson.charlesworth's, crampton's.robertshaws,old mr bartholomew's sweetshop opposite no 20, turtons, (freestone's later) on the other corner.hardwicks shop below brunswick pub.

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Hi Billy great to hear from you. Fred Hodgson is my Uncle. My mums brother and yes we did move to Edward Street Flats when I was 17 Our Barry moved onto the flats also before we did. I am not cycling now but have still got my bike. Did a few years racing here in Oz until I was about 60. I am now 74. I remember most opf the names you have mentioned but I am confused about no 20 because when I lived in Thomas Street the Hartley's lived there. Alan and Billy Hartley. They had sisters but I can't remember the names. This internet stuff is great my wife has to push me off the computer when she wants to use it. We have lived in Australia since 1971 and our Barry came in 1973. He is in the Church and has been for many years. My brother George is coming over in October for 4 weeks with his wife. Hope to hear back from you Cheers Derek

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Hi Billy great to hear from you. Fred Hodgson is my Uncle. My mums brother and yes we did move to Edward Street Flats when I was 17 Our Barry moved onto the flats also before we did. I am not cycling now but have still got my bike. Did a few years racing here in Oz until I was about 60. I am now 74. I remember most opf the names you have mentioned but I am confused about no 20 because when I lived in Thomas Street the Hartley's lived there. Alan and Billy Hartley. They had sisters but I can't remember the names. This internet stuff is great my wife has to push me off the computer when she wants to use it. We have lived in Australia since 1971 and our Barry came in 1973. He is in the Church and has been for many years. My brother George is coming over in October for 4 weeks with his wife. Hope to hear back from you Cheers Derek


hiya derek

sorry to have confused you with the no 20 address but when i wrote the letter i wasn't thinking about the time scale,i was born on havelock square in 1938 mum and dad were in rooms at that time,they then moved to the number 20 thomas st,we left this house to live on bath st where i lived until 1961 when i got married the only thing i remember about no 20 was the day we moved a removal van wasn't needed for the short distance we moved. i suppose i must have been around 2 or 3 years old i do remember the night of the blitz we were sheltering on my grandmothers cellar steps we moved into the next door to the broadhursts who lived at 8 ct 7. my gran howarth lived at no 8, the hartley's moved in no 20 after we left, their children were as you said, alan, and billy, their two daughters were florence,and beryl sorry about the mixup . do you remember harold broadhurst he lived on egerton lane i worked with harold for many years from 1964 till 1988 he was a tool and cutter grinder, also the moss's they lived down thomas lane the other end of the double entry yard at the back of where you lived. you mentiond keith pepper, he changed his name some years back to keith powell-pepper.also john farmer and pat rip michael. donald battersby , brian harrison, bookies son, it keeps the grey cells working, also the barnsley's norma, and the allens dickie, and stella, don't think you will remember the family called varney they had a son called barry.

there are a few letters on this thread log on to willybite, look foreward to typing with you again all the best b w

ps a couple more families, remember SCOPES,joe,and roy, and CHARLESWORTH, brian i cant recall any other name of their family, although i think they were cousins of cliff .brian, glaves. brian c lived on edgerton lane near harrold broadhurst.

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