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Yeah, no worries man! If it turns out we dont have enough time to get a team entered into the league, it would still be cool for us all to get together and have a shoot around sometime :)

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Glad to see there are a few peple up for the playing.

Hi!Duffum,anyway,I will call on you in end of August.

Glad to see Jonesy is on the SheffildForum at present.

I am going to bed now.

Best wishes!every bball friend!

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Originally posted by Red 2

Sorry Duffman/guys,


havent used my pm inbox for a while.


yeah i am still up for playing. I want to get some practise in before the uni team trials in october.


used to play as a pointguard.




I haven't sent a pm yet, I will look at time off with work for a shootaround then let everyone know with plenty of time for people to get down.

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Hey Everyone,

Im up in Sheffield from Mon 16th to Fri 20th Aug for resit examinations. Just wanted to say if anyone wants a few hours playing somewhere Il be up for it. :)

The only two, avaliable & free, courts I know of are:

1) the large school just downhill from Broomhill shops (not very good standard on their playground), and ...

2) I think its called Summerhill school - near the skate park & new flats off West St (better quality courts but still nothing to shout about)


When it gets near term time I'l take my digi camera down and sort maps and stuff for new students etc.

Anyone interested?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Playing next week ....

As im goin to my sheffied uni house, in Crookes, on Monday my internet access is going to be very limited for organising meeting up for a few hours. Good news is it doesnt go dark til 9pm so there is plenty of time to sort a game etc.


I suggest Thursday (purely coz my exams have finished) at the large school just down from Broomhill, at say 6pm??? Realistically there not goin to be many of us so we only need half court to play on. Trying to find a court in Hillsbourgh with no idea where it is may be too tricky a task.


What do you think? :D


If this is new news to some of you check the Uni Team Message Board (on this site)



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Would I be right in thinking that my new accommodation in tapton isn't far from Broomhill? Excuse my ignorance (most people do!) but obviously I don't know the place. I'll be in sheffield during the day as I wanted to come over and spend a day up there anyway, so maybe I could meet someone at a given place? From what I can gather it's not a million miles form the station so it should be ok, and my last train home isn't til about half ten so that's no prob. Let me know, cheers. My e-mail is Jonesy038@hotmail.com by the way.

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I think I made a mistake trying to arrange meeting up using 2 posting sites! Oops!


Yeah your accomodation is basically at the top of one of Sheffield's 7 hills! On the same road as your flat, if you go down the hill about 100m you end up in Broomhill (student capital of Sheffield).

Then there is a major road, not sure of its name, which runs from Broomhill, straight to uni and follows into town. You can walk from Tapton to the train station in about 30 mins at a decent pace so its not too far, you'll do it for pretty much every night out!


I wrote details for us meeting up to play, on the uni team post/message board & i dont want to write it all again.


Sheffield Uni = Awesome!!!



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