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Soaphouse lane Woodhouse (Tripe Factory & Scrap Yard)


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I've said too many daft things on here to tell people my name. I used to work on the Cross Daggers bar in the days of Mr Crossley and then occasionally after your parents took it, on very busy nights like New Years. It was also my job to turn the Richard Clayderman tape over every 45mins, all night, every night, week after week.

pm her your name then tch :P

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  • 1 year later...
My Great Auntie and Uncle lived alongside the tripe factory. I could never figure out his job for it to include a home but there you go. (Mr & Mrs Garlic.)


My current mechanic was also the owner of the scrap yard, Graham Wathen.


I have only just joined the forum so my reply is late!

I lived on Soaphouse lane at the tripe works for over twenty years - my childhood.

What a fantistic place in which to grow up - lots of hiding places and lots of different places to play

I returned recently and was devastated to see it all gone - fortunately have an aerial photo of the works on my wall and it always makes me smile - happy days!

My mum and dad (Mr and Mrs Garlick) have now sadly passed away

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  • 1 month later...

Yes, quite amusing to describe the view from my window to outsiders. A panorama of Tripe factories, clogmaking establishments, and scrapyards. Wathen Bros, if you needed a new suspension, by the time you got to the yard, you certainly did. Folks in Surrey, or Slurry, as I call it, know nowt.

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I have only just joined the forum so my reply is late!

I lived on Soaphouse lane at the tripe works for over twenty years - my childhood.

What a fantistic place in which to grow up - lots of hiding places and lots of different places to play

I returned recently and was devastated to see it all gone - fortunately have an aerial photo of the works on my wall and it always makes me smile - happy days!

My mum and dad (Mr and Mrs Garlick) have now sadly passed away

hi golliwog

did you go to beaver hill and leave in 1974 ?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have only just joined the forum so my reply is late!

I lived on Soaphouse lane at the tripe works for over twenty years - my childhood.

What a fantistic place in which to grow up - lots of hiding places and lots of different places to play

I returned recently and was devastated to see it all gone - fortunately have an aerial photo of the works on my wall and it always makes me smile - happy days!

My mum and dad (Mr and Mrs Garlick) have now sadly passed away


would that be steve garlick,went to beaver hill,if it is,i used to catch he 52 bus with you in a morning.


---------- Post added 27-02-2013 at 21:36 ----------


you are probably correct , maybe Watherns or Watterns can,t remember that much apart from their Alsation that was permanently snarling at you.


that dog must have been no-name,he was as soft as a brush,me uncle used to have the fencing firm at the side of wathens scrap yard.


---------- Post added 27-02-2013 at 21:50 ----------


We used to play down Soaphouse Lane and Junction Rd in the 70s. We’d play in the old trains parked up in the sidings. Like Mel we played golf on the sekko and went in the nearby tunnel. Got invited into the signal box and got to pull the levers. We’d get hazelnuts from the trees and shoot cans. We daren’t get too near to the scrapyard cos of the dog, although we wanted to visit as I recall they had a rather attractive daughter. The viaduct gave me the creeps though; it’s a long drop to that murky water.


As older teenagers we often walked to Beighton by going down Junction Rd and along the side of the railway line, but you had to fight through the nettles. When I worked at the Cross Daggers the owners built a house down Junction Rd. My memory is that it was always sunny down there with no one about. A bit of a special place.


before me uncle built the bungalow and factory at the bottom of junction lane,we used to live in one of the terraced houses if i remember rightly,a row of 5 or 6 .i think the residents were:the websters,bathams,me grandma flint,jeff and gwen platts,and at this end,us,the dickinsons.we never had any money but some very,very happy memories.we were that skint,me big brothers had to wait while darkness fell,then sneak down the"line side" footpath then up the railway bank to pick up the coal which had fallen off the coal wagons,so that we could have a nice warm fire to have a bath in front of.as i was the youngest,i had to go in last not much fun with 4 elder brothers and 1 sister! happy days though.

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Hello Golliwog


I remember your mother Alice very well, she worked for my Dad Victor Hutchinson at Crest Service Station, until, I think, late 1979. My mother was called Jessie.


I moved out of the UK in 2006 and have lived in Malaysia since then.


I also remember my Dad's friend Arnold Taylor and his son Fred - they lived further down the lane, their house was on the corner where the track went to the playing fields - used to go to those fields 1952 to 1957 when at Woddhouse Grammar School. The house had a large orchard at the back


No one appears to have mentioned the Taylors ??


Long time ago - Best Wishes - Grey Eminence - Subnag Jaya, Malaysia

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I worked for Yorkshire Water and in the late seventies we had to put a new water supply to the tripeworks. I had to go in and see the foreman to tell him what we were doing and that the water would be going off so that we could connect up the new supply pipe.

The sight of the green slime and the smell made me want to throw up there and then but I managed to control it. We worked all day with that stink and on a couple of occations a lorry came that took all the stuff away that went to make fertiliser and that smelled so bad we did a runner!!! All I could smell for the next few days was that stink and I didnt feel like eating for a couple of days. I have worked with sewerage and other disgusting stuff but that was by far the worst.

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