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Did anyone here go to High Storrs school?

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Further sadness was that there were half a dozen pupils, I can remember, who died whilst on the school register. Another death, beyond school but at an all-too-young age was that of Christopher Edward Small who left in 1977.

"Smalley" was certainly a characterer, not unpleasant but not renowned for stringing academic work together! He often had a following as he paraded round the corridors at lunchtime that was akin to the Peid Piper of Hamlin! Mayhem bound to follow but he was always cheery!

I recall meeting Chris on my way to the D&P watering hole and he was sorting out the West Street bouncers and organising their pay. Not so long afterwards, he was tragically killed on icy roads, driving a long-distance lorry back from Poland. Gone but not forgotten.


I remember Christopher Small really well he was a year above me and I remember well him strutting up and down the corridors with his gang of followers. Us younger ones were always a bit scared of him although I do remember some people calling him a not to nice nickname which I wont repeat but it was a character in a sci fi serial on at the time.


I was sad to hear of him being killed at such a young age.


I also remember one of the lads in my year drowned in an accident at Chatsworth House not long after we had left in 1978. I remember being really shocked and upset as he was a really nice person and was doing really well at school. I think it was the first time I realised my own mortality.

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I remember Christopher Small really well he was a year above me and I remember well him strutting up and down the corridors with his gang of followers. Us younger ones were always a bit scared of him although I do remember some people calling him a not to nice nickname which I wont repeat but it was a character in a sci fi serial on at the time.


I was sad to hear of him being killed at such a young age.


I also remember one of the lads in my year drowned in an accident at Chatsworth House not long after we had left in 1978. I remember being really shocked and upset as he was a really nice person and was doing really well at school. I think it was the first time I realised my own mortality.


The Chatsworth tragedy in 1978, occurred in the summer during exam leave and happened in the weir. The unfortunate pupil who died was called John Anderson and he was a nice person. Can't imagine the torment of his parents receiving that message.

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The Chatsworth tragedy in 1978, occurred in the summer during exam leave and happened in the weir. The unfortunate pupil who died was called John Anderson and he was a nice person. Can't imagine the torment of his parents receiving that message.


It must have been terrible for them. I remember John quite well, as one of my best friends was in the same form. He always seemed to be smiling and trying to help other pupils.


I also remember Alf Ridler who you mentioned in an earlier post as I lived next door to him and his wife, my parents lived next door until Alf sadly passed away you were right he was definately in his 90's. I remember before I was old enough to go to High Storrs he used to take me and my sister and show us the labs and we flew kites on the field during the holidays!!!

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One person I have thought of that no one seems to have mentioned on here who spread dread through all the girls any way was Mrs Porter does any one remember her?


During the 70's we were not allowed to wear jewellery or make up but of course being teenage girls we all used to, Mrs Porter seemed to have the eyes of an eagle to spot the tiniest bit of makeup or earrings etc


I remember her ringing my mum about my sister and my mum upset her by saying she didn't see why wearing earrings affected your school work I bet that gave our family a black mark!!!:D

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