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Did anyone here go to High Storrs school?

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Have just read this whole thread with much joy and tears. Miss Eyre!!! My wonderful RK teacher. Mrs Ruth Ringrose who was my rock for most of my years at high storrs. My god, where did all the years go. Sep, my maths teacher, tiddles Birchall, Colin Smith!!! I was there from 1968 until 1975. You have mentioned so many people here.

I shed a tear at the death of 'smalley'. He was younger than me, and when my friend Kim and I were prefects in the upper 6th he used to run in front of us and open the doors. I used to let him go to the front of the tuck shop queue when I was on tuck shop duty.

I can't believe its all those years ago. An earlier post mentioned jolande sawisca. Yanina Sawisca was in my year, indeed, my house, catcliffe, and I went out with their brother, Jan, briefly. Finding this thread has made my day!!!!


Yolanta S was in my class, as was Member on here "Discovery". last time I had any contact with Yanina, she was in Social-work.

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Just been browsing "The Stars" of the past week and noticed in the "Memoriam Column" the sad anniversary of former pupil Trudy Sargent who tragically died on the 17th March 1986.

I taught Trudy and always remember her pleasant, smiling disposition and feel much anguish for her family and others whose minors sadly died whilst pupils at High Storrs.

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Yolanta S was in my class, as was Member on here "Discovery". last time I had any contact with Yanina, she was in Social-work.


Thanks for the update on Yanina. Last time I saw her was at Hunters Bar when our kids were very small.

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i remember michael rhone, he was a year older than me - i saw him recently and he works as an electrician.

my son and daughter are currently at high storrs, mrs hetherington (cragen) is still there, as is mr everitt and mick cartwright (pe). these are the only ones left in the school who i remember and i left in 1985

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just found this great thread, thank you so much for the memories. I went to High Stores from 82 - 87, I was in Smith House and the form tutors I can remember were Mr Wright (German teacher) and Mr Jones (music teacher), I had Miss Eyre for RE, and Mr Everitt for Classical studies. Also had Mrs Heatherington and Miss Leeson for PE

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I do remember Rose, and am sorry to hear of the death of Miss Catcliffe. She was, I remember, strict but fair. I was a bit naughty and had a few detentions from her. I also remember Mr Taylor, but not Miss Dickson. I had Miss Bowyer? (not sure of name) for RE and saw her the other day, while I was driving up Highcliffe. Miss Gill (latterly Mrs Moore) and Miss Leeson did PE. In the 6th form I had a mega crush on a new maths teacher called Mr Moore. I was in the last grammar school year, so had the experience of the locked doors between the 2 schools for a year, and the thrill of seeing 'BOYS' doing games on the field!!!!! Miss Furtado was head and Miss Freeman deputy. Mrs (Miss) Chadwick used to call us a shesere class because when waiting for the lessons to start we had a 'lookout' on the door and when the teacher was approaching they would shout 'shes here'. Our skirts were measured, and couldn't be more than 1' above the knee. If you had black shoes you had to wear grey socks, brown shoes, beige socks, compulsory purse belt and green or navy knickers!!! How different to today. A different world.


PS. The bacon butties in the sixth form common room were second to none!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You recall the tuck shop "vix", do you remember Rose who used to do the teas both in the V1 form common room and also the staff room?

Another name is that of Miss Dickson who was part of the school administration/welfare team. I'm told Miss Dickson, who may be 90, was looking in great form at a school function last week, for former staff.

You mention the house, which was named after the late Barbara Cattliff, who was a member of the Geography department which was led by Harold Taylor who is not only rejoicing at Barnsley's FA Cup run, but having pulled his way back from a serious illness.


Unfortunately, there were apologies of absence and some related to former staff who are now suffering from various illnesses.

At Easter, I'd like to offer my thoughts and prayers to those former colleagues who are currently undergoing medical care and treatment.

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I do remember Rose, and am sorry to hear of the death of Miss Catcliffe. She was, I remember, strict but fair. I was a bit naughty and had a few detentions from her. I also remember Mr Taylor, but not Miss Dickson. I had Miss Bowyer? (not sure of name) for RE and saw her the other day, while I was driving up Highcliffe. Miss Gill (latterly Mrs Moore) and Miss Leeson did PE. In the 6th form I had a mega crush on a new maths teacher called Mr Moore. I was in the last grammar school year, so had the experience of the locked doors between the 2 schools for a year, and the thrill of seeing 'BOYS' doing games on the field!!!!! Miss Furtado was head and Miss Freeman deputy. Mrs (Miss) Chadwick used to call us a shesere class because when waiting for the lessons to start we had a 'lookout' on the door and when the teacher was approaching they would shout 'shes here'. Our skirts were measured, and couldn't be more than 1' above the knee. If you had black shoes you had to wear grey socks, brown shoes, beige socks, compulsory purse belt and green or navy knickers!!! How different to today. A different world.


PS. The bacon butties in the sixth form common room were second to none!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Glad you remember "Rose", one of the unsung people who served the school admirably. I never knew her surname but I believe she had a grandchild at the school?

Mr.Moore was (Dave - from the North East) and he also enjoyed Outdoor Pursuits. He left HS to go to the Kenwood Centre to work with the less academic.

I don't recall a "Bowyer" but that's not to say there wasn't one. I recall Miss Booth teaching RE in Pauline Eyre's dept. and there was also Wendy Green in the RE Dept.

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I was there in the early 70s and Miss Freeman used to stand at one end of the quad and watch to see if the wind raised our skirts to see what colour knickers we were wearing. We used to fold over the top of our skirts to make them shorter. Wonder what she would make of what girls wear today??


Any more news about the 75th anniversary celebrations at the school?? Nothing on the old timers web site. Thanks.


I do remember Rose, and am sorry to hear of the death of Miss Catcliffe. She was, I remember, strict but fair. I was a bit naughty and had a few detentions from her. I also remember Mr Taylor, but not Miss Dickson. I had Miss Bowyer? (not sure of name) for RE and saw her the other day, while I was driving up Highcliffe. Miss Gill (latterly Mrs Moore) and Miss Leeson did PE. In the 6th form I had a mega crush on a new maths teacher called Mr Moore. I was in the last grammar school year, so had the experience of the locked doors between the 2 schools for a year, and the thrill of seeing 'BOYS' doing games on the field!!!!! Miss Furtado was head and Miss Freeman deputy. Mrs (Miss) Chadwick used to call us a shesere class because when waiting for the lessons to start we had a 'lookout' on the door and when the teacher was approaching they would shout 'shes here'. Our skirts were measured, and couldn't be more than 1' above the knee. If you had black shoes you had to wear grey socks, brown shoes, beige socks, compulsory purse belt and green or navy knickers!!! How different to today. A different world.


PS. The bacon butties in the sixth form common room were second to none!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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