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Did anyone here go to High Storrs school?

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[/color]I went to high storrs from hunters bar middle school in 1974 to 1978 i was in Hoffman house my name is john clover,is there anybody out ther remembers me? would like to here from you

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  • 6 months later...

Great to see the old photo of teachers from 60s at girls school. I am now trying hard to put names to faces - I was at High Storrs from 1964-71. The faces I want to get names for include the lady fourth from left top row,5th from left top row,2nd from right middle row,4th from left middle row and 4th left front row. I can recognise Margaret Baines(PE),Miss Carey(German),Miss Rodgers(French?),Miss Hogg(Domestic Science),Miss Eyre(RE). Is the lady 7th from left on front row also a Miss Eyre (Maths)? Seem to remember she was connected to some religion and she never raised her voice but everyone behaved for her.

We had a lovely Latin teacher who was not very good on discipline whose name I can't remember and also a young(ish) English teacher who was married to one of the male teachers. I also remember the scary needlework teacher - Miss Mossendew. Hope someone can jog my memory! Thank you!

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  • 2 years later...
Anyone of about 1980 vintage remember the RHONE family? I can recall Linton, Michael, Anthony and Fay but I think there are others? One of my ex-colleagues tells me they have a family hairdressing salon on Abbeydale Road. One of the boys was in a Gunners' shirt!


I ran Linton out in a House cricket match once. He wasn't best pleased as he'd only faced two balls, the first of which he'd cracked to the boundary; the second he miscued hence why we had to run with my indecision over the third being the cause of his demise. He shouted, "Fool Belch!" down the wicket, then as he stormed off he hurled his gloves in anger and they, unlike his second shot, crossed the boundary with ease.


My teammates were a bit annoyed as well, all of them shaking their fists at me and swearing quite a lot. Mr Towle was umpiring and his advice to me was, "I think you should stay in for a while," meaning that for the only time in my life I followed a teacher's advice, settling in for a rather mundane 12-or-so off about 15 overs.

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Anyone of about 1980 vintage remember the RHONE family? I can recall Linton, Michael, Anthony and Fay but I think there are others? One of my ex-colleagues tells me they have a family hairdressing salon on Abbeydale Road. One of the boys was in a Gunners' shirt!


I remember Linton he was as thin as a stick but immensely powerful, he played rugby and got his front teeth knocked out crash tackling somebody, think he still turned out the next week though! He also threw the javelin in athletics well over 40 metres (without training).

Seem to remember Mr Matthews (Hedley, PE) giving out Linton's second name (it was something like Bagshaw) to which Linton wasn't too happy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i left in 98,il start with Mrs Higgins...so fit, that she put off doing my gcse maths because she was wandering around in a skirt ! Then theres Mr Hayes...id get in trouble, bring up cricket and suddenly i wasnt in so much trouble, haha. That IT teacher who had yellow armpits and stank to high heaven put everybody off. Mr matthew was a great teacher,one time there wasnt room in school minibus for me, so he drove me in his car boot down to Hallamshire tennis. Mr Benahan the pe teacher, instilled the love of sport into us and was an incredibly good teacher...he is still there.Mrs Hetherington, the best teacher i ever had, always treated you as an adult and had a great way of teaching.Asssitant head Mr Towell...he was a copper ! He told me as such when he caught me smoking whilst on Towel patrol. There was a very large mix there, we had alot of somali's as they had just come from the civil war, great lads with some awful stories of Somalia' war. Skater or townie ? You were usually put into one of the two catagories.There was a big drug problem even back then, probably worse now.Didnt really enjoy school, it was a dump in there. Looking alot better now.

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