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Did anyone here go to High Storrs school?

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On 06/11/2020 at 12:59, Bodsy said:

Following on from my last post  - I left in 1963 and am amazed that many of the teachers I remember were still there 7 years later.  Fido, of course; Mrs Drabble, who  was our form mistress for 4th and 5th years - renowned for her question "do you see girls?" (as she sat displaying her bloomers!),; Miss Beech (who I understood to be the deputy head); Miss Eyre (a tiny lady as I remember).  


Incidentally, I hated it too and couldn't wait to leave after 5th form.........finally going on to get a degree in 1992 in Queensland, Australia! 

Yes Miss Eyre taught RE and was small and slight and wore a built up shoe. Deputy head when I was there was Miss Freeman who had a lisp....she taught everyone how to use the library so was inevitably know as Miss Fweeman fwom the libwawy. 

Funny you should mention Mrs Drabble showing her bloomers....I was never taught by her but was taught maths by Miss Beech. We sometimes had our lessons in the music rooms where the teachers desk was on a raised platform. This meant we could see under the desk....and Miss Beech's knee length elasticated leg bloomers lol

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On 21/12/2016 at 07:02, coop said:

I left in 72 and my form master was a certain history teacher/scout master who took delight in giving me the slipper daily (with a chalk cross on of course!)

History / Scouts was Tubby Wright who moved to Myers grove, then became a railway fanatic and autioneer(?)


His History lessons were like a shorthand challenge boring as ****.

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