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Did anyone here go to High Storrs school?

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One of my colleagues at that time was Margaret Cary - who headed Cary House - and I have learned that Mrs Cary, 90, is recovering from a fall in which she sustained a fractured skull and broken wrist.

I am pleased to say I have heard that she is making progress and on behalf of everyone who knows you Margaret, hope it's not long before you are home and back on your feet. Gesundheit!


like powerage, I'm an ex-inmate ( :lol: ) of High Storrs. I was also in Hoffman house, but I knew Mrs Cary, and I, too am sad to hear she has sustained such injuries. (I left High storrs in 1980 )

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I reply in haste to report that Mr.Hoffman is alive and well.


Is he really I was told by someone who was obviously mistaken that he had passed away.


I am really glad to hear this I really liked him, he tought me for English Lit and he was always a good laugh.


He also tried in vain to persuade me to stay on and do A levels and not leave because my friends were. I wish I had listened but you know what it is like when you are 16.

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  • 1 month later...
hi,left there in 85.

was in hoffman house in the first year which turned into smith the year after.

hated most of it couldn't wait to leave!!!!!!


Pupils of your time may still remember the following teachers who are on that 60's photograph (though I am not seeking derogatory comments) - Back 6th left, Mrs Collier (French), Centre 6th left, Mrs Cary (German) next to Miss Beech (Maths). Front 6th left, Miss Russell (H of French), 11th left Miss Cattliff (H of House/Geography), 13th left Miss Eyre (RE). I wonder if Miss Weaver (Music) is pictured? Extreme front right is Joy Alexander(-Hall) whom PE pupils and alumni of the University of Sheffield may know?

Any former pupils of HSGGS will not need reminding, centre front is head, Miss Furtado.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Something sprung the memory this weekend of former High Storrs economics and business studies master pre-1984 of A.C.Tickner and his phrase "Cut the cackle", which needs to be said with a Kent voice.

He was known as "Tick" in the staff room but even as a colleague, he was hard to get to know. I always called him "Mr.Tickner" as he was a doyen of the staffroom - pipe smoker and bridge player. He opened up when I spoke of Kent cricket and the Mote Ground when he would tell me of the exploits of the legendary Tich Freeman. I just wondered if any former pupils, particularly of the Boys' G.S. remembered his call for silence?

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  • 1 month later...

I went to High Storrs, was in Hoffman, which became Smith in my first year. I left in 1982.


I remember Ms Cary from my first year as well, and Mr Herring, but then I remember Mr Stephenson taking over Herring. If memory serves me right Cary became Wagner, or was it Catcliff that changed. Oh the memory is starting to go....... :-(

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I had Mr Smith for Classical Studies, and I adored the man. Every time he told us off he used to remind us how he'd dodged bombs in the war ...... what a guy, I think someone told me he was sadly no longer with us.


Yes, SnifferDog, you are correct, Colin Smith died within two years of his retirement. He was also a fond colleague and was the union rep at one time for the NAS/UWT. Colin was a keen Gilbert and Sullivan enthusiast and played a prominent part in the school productions as well as his local society at Meersbrook.

Usually to be found at the lunchtime bridge table. I don't remember Colin having any enemies and I for one, had the same hymn sheet!

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