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Saffron Club Indian restaurant - it wasn't a good experience.


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Read the comments on saffron club, thought it would only be right if I went n checked the place out for myself. :hihi:

Wouldn’t want to wrongly bad mouth the restaurant now, would I???

So four of us went out and gave the saffron club a shot!

As we entered, we were very impressed with the reception.

Now, if the food was going to taste as good as the restaurant looked, we were on a winner :|

Starters were good! Mains were delicious; All In all the food was different and tasty!

The service was spot on. The only criticism we have is the music…”Turn up the volume Saffron C!”

Oh and the price was a wee bit high, “But you get what you pay for”

This isn’t your average Indian restaurant, so visit with a fresh approach!

Meggie you’re on your own, on this one! It could have been your approach to the problem, we got what we chose, and from what you said SO DID YOU!

PS. Your lucky your not facing charges for making a leave without paying up!


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I think you are totally out of order on this.


You did not make any attempt to enquire about the meal, it is not up to a waiter/waitress to explain a dish to you, if you have a dislike then tell them. They offered you a replacement and you rejected this. To finish it off you then tried to walk out.


I agree if the owner was rude then if course you have a right to make your feelings known. I have a suspicion having dealt with people like you in my career as a police officer you expected that the salmon would not be paid for and that caused offence, especially as they had already offered you a replacement.


I think without a doubt the victims of this are not you or the restaurant owner but the poor people that went out to enjoy themselves and had to put up with the fuss around them. Just accept you ordered wrong and get over it, noone is asking you to go back!

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I agree if the owner was rude then if course you have a right to make your feelings known. I have a suspicion having dealt with people like you in my career as a police officer you expected that the salmon would not be paid for and that caused offence, especially as they had already offered you a replacement.


she WAS gonna pay for the fish! she already said so! like i've already said: problem with the owner's attitude, not the food or the money. :loopy:

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I have to say that I'm on the restaurant's side too, and I've had salmon on more than one occasion in the better Indian restaurants so your inaccurate expectations are no excuse in my opinion.


If I'd lost it on the night I'd be popping back the next day to settle my bill and apologise.

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I have to say that I'm on the restaurant's side too, and I've had salmon on more than one occasion in the better Indian restaurants so your inaccurate expectations are no excuse in my opinion.


If I'd lost it on the night I'd be popping back the next day to settle my bill and apologise.


How is it that even the Administrator has failed to recognise the issues here?


The original poster has stated quite clearly that she admits that they were in the wrong for expecting the fish curry to be white fish.


Nobody should be subjected to the type of treatment Meggie has described and because of that treatment she had every right to walk out.


I bet you the restaurant owner is kicking himself now, realising that he flew off the handle and ruined any chances of this VERY REASONABLE couple ever returning.


This is explained really very clearly; I don't understand why people are finding it so difficult to comprehend. Put yourselves in the shoes of someone who has gone out for a meal, made a mistake ordering (FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED TO PAY) and then been verbally and physically abused by the owner of the restaurant in front of the other customers. I think Meggie is 100% in the right. One of the problems with the food industry in this country is people are too quick to lie down and not stand up to bad service and bad food - (not that that's an issue here).



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I don't think that you have read the story fully.

As stated in the OP...

they went into the restaurant and weren't all that taken with it on first impressions. They enjoyed the starters. They accept they probably should've asked about the fish. They declined the offer of another choice of dish and were happy enough to share the one main between them. They agreed this with the waiter who facilited the solution by bringing another plate. At this point the OP has stated she was happy to pay. An awkward situation had been sorted.


The owner's rude intervention changed the situation. It is his reaction and his reaction alone that caused them to want to walk away w/o paying. Therefore the reason for their non payment was purely due to his attitude.


I'm with Meggy and Randolf. I don't pay for bad service.

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The fact that the original poster has stated on THIS thread that she intended to pay for the dish is, quite frankly, irrelevant. What's important is what was (or wasn't) said on the night in the restaurant.


The OP admits to having discussed the problematic dish with a waiter who will have reported back to the kitchen/manager. Now logic dictates that if the manager had heard that "the couple at table X don't want the salmon because they don't like salmon but they're still willing to pay for the dish" he's hardly likely to have come to the table and confronted the couple. What's more likely is that the manager was under the impression that the dish had been returned (which in a restaurant equates to "client not happy with dish and not willing to pay for it").


It's interesting to note that the poster's own husband was at least prepared to "throw 20 quid on the table" but the poster - in her wisdom - decided that the restaurant that had prepared this dish in good faith should get nothing for it.


I'm still with the restaurant, Tony and the majority of other posters here. Meggy is in the wrong and if she had any conscience she would go back and pay for the meal.

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:rant: Meggy Meggy Meggy! GO and pay!!!

I dont think someone "proffesional" would ever think of leaving!

Let alone leave!

A service is a service...

Good or Bad a Service is a "SERVICE"...

KICKING up a fuss was inappropriate...I really feel for the restaurant...they accomadated you, provided you with food and drink, moreover attempted to satisfy your needs for a "good night out"...Yet you blame the manager for your mistake, the restaurant as a whole for your ignorance and the majority of this message board for seeing sense. Come on...choppy chop...it looks to me as though u were looking for the slightest reason "to not pay"...This makes people with a legitimate complaint look fake.

Anyone half decent would of payed, and expressed their concern, but by not paying, you proved your cruel intention! :suspect:


ANYWAY! Im over this one...This is boring me...

Has anyone been to Cipolla (Broomhall) Its a traditional Italian rest...Sounds TASTY!:hihi:

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Regardless of the diners actions the manager should not have entered into an argument with them. Your first instinct in Catering should be 'how can we improve this situation?, can we cool it down?, am I making sure it doesn't impact on others?, anything on these lines really. If you can't do this then you shouldn't be in public service.

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