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Those darned socks! Do you remember them?


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I remember my mother "sides to middle - ing" sheets. My Gran used to darn socks & put patches on jeans - we hated it & after spending months - nay years getting your jeans all soft & shabby with holes in all the right places....she patched 'em!! Only fit for the bin after that!

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Many years ago,there was a bloke on Morecambe sea front who would demonstrate,and sell a gadget that was supposed to make darning easy. Must have been worth his while because he had the same pitch for years during the Summer months. How many households have a "gadget" that has'nt been used for years,loads I would think.

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Hi Vera. The old flat irons went in sizes. I have two number 5's. I understand that a certain weight of iron was used to press certain materials. I agree that Viking's photograph is good. I bet it looks better l in reality. It shows imagination and a creative flair. Oh dear, I'm rambling on again.


Hi Nigel

Yep! that's it I remember now about the irons just couldn't think for a minute why she heated the two up together. Yes it's given me some ideas for the garden as I do decorate mine up too. At the moment I have a duck section and a dog section. I like the interesting gardens where you can potter around people always find it interesting.


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Does anyone remember the time when darning socks was an almost everyday task for wives and mothers? :)


These days, with the advent of new materials and woollen mixtures it's a past art.


Do people still wear socks with the big toe peeping out? :hihi:


I remember my dad darning socks,( he was in the Navy in the war years, and probably learned the skill there.) he could do a really good neat job, the only problem was the darned hole was nearly twice as big as the original hole :hihi: he was really proud of his work, and taught me as a kid how to darn, I could never master the art of doing it as neat as him though.:|

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