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Where are Sheffield's nuclear shelters?

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When I was a kid my Mum was in the Civil Defence, they were told "in case of Nuclear Bomb attack" get down behind a wall. No shortage of walls in farmland around Sheffield. Seriously the old ammunition dump in Grenoside was outfitted as fallout shelters for a while. Dunno what they are now!

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To answer the OP, I don't know but from a recent visit to one in Berlin I'm clear in thinking that being in one would have been very unpleasant.

In Berlin the bunker was 3500 sq.m in area and was intended to house 3000 "lucky" people in 95% humidity (it is reckoned) with only one option: stay on your bunk and hope the air intake chimney on top of the car park above you wasn't hit/dislodged by the blast.

None of the bunkers were ever tested to see whether the saved lucky ones would come out of the bunker after two weeks still healthy and sane.

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I think central government ones were abandoned as nuclear weapons became much more powerful, because they would have to be so deep that they would be next to impossible to construct, and then after a nuclear strike, the underground rock would have shifted so that they would be impossible to escape from, entombing the occupants.

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I think central government ones were abandoned as nuclear weapons became much more powerful, because they would have to be so deep that they would be next to impossible to construct, and then after a nuclear strike, the underground rock would have shifted so that they would be impossible to escape from, entombing the occupants.


The central government shelter for the UK was near Cheltenham under the Cotswolds. They dug under the escarpment to get the necessary depth.


It may have escaped bombing depending if the Russians knew about it or not.

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dose anyone have a copy of 'Threds' i could buy/have, my nan's old house was used in the making along with other memrebilia from arround that time, it would be nice to own my own copy:)

i would prefer a DvD or DivX version as i dont have a vidio player:)



you can watch the full movie on youtube
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