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Where are Sheffield's nuclear shelters?

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In the late 50's I worked at The Blood Transfusion Service and we were giiven a lecture by Dr Bowley the head of the Service about what were to do in case of nuclear war. We were told to make our way to Rampton Hostpital as we would be needed there. How we were to do this was not explained and we were all working in Sheffield at the time.



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In the late 50's I worked at The Blood Transfusion Service and we were giiven a lecture by Dr Bowley the head of the Service about what were to do in case of nuclear war. We were told to make our way to Rampton Hostpital as we would be needed there. How we were to do this was not explained and we were all working in Sheffield at the time.




Perhaps they just wanted to keep the numbers up Hazel. :P

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  • 8 years later...

A list of the 'bunkers' built and operated by the Military, Royal Observer Corps. The ROC manned these locations and their purpose was to monitor the radiation fall out levels post nuclear attack.


Not exactly large scale bunkers where high profile members of the Government/Military would stay, but bunkers nether the less.



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dose anyone have a copy of 'Threds' i could buy/have, my nan's old house was used in the making along with other memrebilia from arround that time, it would be nice to own my own copy:)

i would prefer a DvD or DivX version as i dont have a vidio player:)




I got a copy from HMV Fargate.

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A list of the 'bunkers' built and operated by the Military, Royal Observer Corps. The ROC manned these locations and their purpose was to monitor the radiation fall out levels post nuclear attack.


Not exactly large scale bunkers where high profile members of the Government/Military would stay, but bunkers nether the less.




Thanks for the link,i will now lookout for any of these bunkers while out on my travels,see how many i can "tick" off.If the missus reads this she will be thinking"oh no something else to bore me and the kids with while we are out driving":hihi::hihi:

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