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Did Anybody Go To King Ecgberts?

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i was at ecgberts from 82-87.remember comrade frank abel( the headteacher) banning the national anthem.mr goodwin(r.e.)nervous breakdown then marrying one of his pupils.mr white(loon), mr spires(spitfire), mr solway(tweed suit lover),mr appelhoff the short bearded genius)mr ray and mrs fells having a bit of hanky panky,mr waller(big red nose).still see mrs ferdinand and mr agar whos just retired and seen the mad old mrs carlson a few times too.she still looks the same now like a bulldog chewin a wasp1.and mr johnson p.e has retired due too bad knees but hes ok hes havind new ones.

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mr johnson p.e has retired due too bad knees but hes ok hes havind new ones.


Passing over your other discourteous references, I am pleased to hear that Ian Johnston is still well - perhaps paying the price now for all that golf?

Gosh, it's thirty years since he persuaded me to go on one of his Christmas skiing trips for the staff and V1 form. We were playing at Sickleholme and by the second hole, I was on the trip to Aprica (Italy) - such were his selling powers! Hated skiing but the apres, 11am onwards, was very good. Cheers Ian.

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  • 2 weeks later...
he would have been 35 last sept, martyn passed away 31/1/06 age 34 from cancer did you know him?

jessiet My brother was good friends with Martyn and attended his funeral.My brother is called Darren and he was friends with Martyn from Lowfields School.I remember his mum worked at the bakery on Lowfields .

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  • 1 month later...

Hi there did you go to king ecgberts school in the past or present? We are making a memorial garden to celebrate 50 years of the school being open and also to create a memorial for people who have passed away whilst at the school, like the recent death of Ryan Parry who was an absolutely lovely person. it is also to celebrate heritage of the school too!

We would like to put names of old pupils and also memories of old pupils/teachers into use in the garden and memorial. I was wondering whether you could tell me your name and what years you were in the school. Also what your memories of the school were :) feel free too PM me if you don't want to put information on here


It would be very much appreciated by all

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this,

Samantha T

Y12 pupil(6th form)at King Ecgberts

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  • 3 months later...

Eggy's 78 to 83

Oh my, lots of great memories came flooding back, all those teachers...a few to add to the list: Mr Mackenzie who married Miss McDowell, Mrs Taylor, The Bowens, Mr Taylor, Mrs Lewis, Mrs Gore, Mr Agar, Mr Adams to name but a few...sure I could think of a few more. I remember Miss Griffiths, she was my form teacher in year 7 and was a nervous wreck most of the time,I seem to remember she was off for quite a while "maybe some sort of breakdown" was the rumour...hope it wasn't anything to do with our class!!

Remember lots of class mates but don't keep in contact with anyone really, lost touch when I moved away in '85. Back in sheffield and loving the forum.

Take care all you ex Eggy's.

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Blimey....what a lot of evocotive memories, 1984 to 91 myself...I'm suprised how many staff seem to have stayed in the same place..I wonder was it a good school to teach at relative to others...Strange to think of all those teachers at differing stages of their lives and careers, witnessing all the changes. As a seven year old I watched my eldest brother playing footie with his mates on the bit between the infants and Kings croft, he was about to leave the sixthform. I remember hearing the names of teachers, with varying degrees of dread and enthusiasm..Mrs Carlson was particularly feared for some reason...I grew up in the area.. Why that is of any interest to anyone Im not sure:loopy: Could never afford to live there now!!:rolleyes: I think the walk between sites had its plusses and minuses, exersize yes, and on a sunny day, last lesson friday afternoon, you'd just daudle along... and if you fancied a lass, the anticipation of seeing her walk towards you in the other direction... but if someone was after you, that walk could be very scary, you might just get chance to hide in the conifer trees before you got spotted...I could probably go on, but i guess alot of the memories involve funny incidents with teachers, and I guess they put up with enough ****....I do remember mr Mee ramming a ruler down the back of Martin Oldfields' trousers repeatedly... it was so random, he'd been sitting there almost asleep in his chair, while said pupil was pokeing the girls bums in the row in front , and then all of a sudden he just got up and performed this bizarre manouvre. What he was trying to achieve I'm not sure, but I for one couldn't stop laughing about it for days.:hihi: More funny stories from past pupils and teachers please...;):cool:

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trawled the aged and tired memory and un-earthed a few more names, Mrs Neal who was a really nice biology teacher, Mrs Storey, Miss Gillott who both worked in Housecraft with the very scary Mrs Higginbottom, Dr Opie who introduced us to the age of computers ( oh my it was huge ), Mr Bowers ( of ginger beard fame ), Mrs Jeffries, Mr Meakin - mad music maestro. Do you remember Mr Routh playing the piano for the lower school assembly? Between that and the clatter of Miss Rawlings high heels approaching it was difficult to keep a straight face.

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Can anyone remember the name of the latin teacher, I can only remember him during the first year. He had this thing where he used to bang on the desk before telling one of his stories. I didnt much get the latin but his stories were really good, also Mrs Shipley I sure she had quintuplets or whetever the name is for 5 babies. Mr Agar was the best teacher he used to get me out of detention alot. There was also a scary art teacher who looked like a witch but spoke really quiet. I think the thing that I remember the most was the bloody cross country till we cottoned on that we had to come back on our selves and started to hide in the bushes till everyone else was on the way back. Mr Johnston caught us and made us do it all again at dinner time and took our cigs off us.

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