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Did Anybody Go To King Ecgberts?

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yep, definitely mr wade. did anyone actually chose to do latin? I did, it was a right nightmare subject, i was rubbish at languages, but latin, man, for every word you had to learn about ten different endings. I dreaded it. Mr and Mrs Williams, not married or related were the two art teachers.. I did art A level so got to know them really well, both great people, used to let us listen to music in the lessons while we were painting or drawing or whatever.:cool:

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I was there 75-80..I remember Perry and Solway were heads of lower school and Cartwright and Merrills head of upper school. I loved school discos in the lower school hall and it was 2p to get in and they closed all the curtains!!!! Also waggin it at the bottom of the playing fields, smoking at the back of the housecraft building, walking between lower and upper school.....Abbeydale grange school apparently coming up to beat our heads in....school dinner tickets that you had to write your names on the back but if you got short of cash you could sell them and someone would rub your name out and put on theirs...I could go on and on....joined friends reunited and got in touch with some friends...there quiet a lot of people on there from various years....Not the best school for education but definately set you up in life and certainly a good laugh....

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trawled the aged and tired memory and un-earthed a few more names, Mrs Neal who was a really nice biology teacher, Mrs Storey, Miss Gillott who both worked in Housecraft with the very scary Mrs Higginbottom, Dr Opie who introduced us to the age of computers ( oh my it was huge ), Mr Bowers ( of ginger beard fame ), Mrs Jeffries, Mr Meakin - mad music maestro. Do you remember Mr Routh playing the piano for the lower school assembly? Between that and the clatter of Miss Rawlings high heels approaching it was difficult to keep a straight face.


Mrs Neal was ace :cool:

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Ahh yes, Mrs Elliff...how on earth we ever learnt anything about music is beyond me, this woman spent the whole lesson either filing her nails or applying copious amounts of make up. Wonder what happened to her??

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i went to king ecgberts left in 1996. Dont remember many names but here goes. Mr Adams, Mr Marsh, Mrs Neal, Mrs Nicolson, oh god that really bad I cant remember any more!

Mr Adams was pure evil I remember he once pulled me behind and made me write lines for ages because he thought I called him a nazi...I think paranoia got the better of him towards the end I'm sure he must have left by now.

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Mr Adams was pure evil I remember he once pulled me behind and made me write lines for ages because he thought I called him a nazi...I think paranoia got the better of him towards the end I'm sure he must have left by now.


I thinhk he probably has!!


Mr Adams was my form teacher and i can always remember him saying "hell's bell's and buckets iof blood" if some one did something stupid. He also told a ammusing story about railway sleepers and toilet seats. Strange what we remember.


When were you at Eggies?

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