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Did Anybody Go To King Ecgberts?

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I started at King Ecgberts in 1978 and left in 1984... feeling old :(


The upper and lower schools nothing better than masses of kids going from one school to the next sometimes three times a day!


Mr Huntingdon are you still out there - Technical Drawing


Miss McDowell who became Mrs Mackenzie the French teacher, if you are reading this I did aspire to something... I successfully run my own business and speak 3 languages one of which isn't French!

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I went there 1970 time I had lived in New Zealand and went to a military school before going there the place was a breeze for me compared to what I had to put up with before,I was in Mr Butlers class he was a Billy Bunter look alike nice guy though, the headmaster at the time was called Mr Cartwright he hated me as I was always in trouble, I can remember a few of the teachers then Mr Solway Mr Gumersall little fellow who took sports class and Mr Bagley, the headmistress was called Miss Rawlings then, there was this nasty teacher there who took the wood work class called Mr Adams he was a real ****,there was also this very sexy teacher there that I used to fancy called Miss berry she was one of the very few teachers there that seemed to like me, she took art class and I have always been very good at art and drawing, I ended up being asked to leave {expelled} due to my not so good behavior,the main reason was taking Mr Cartwrights podium to bits,he had this podium that was made for him in the schools wood work class,he would stand there in assembly spouting off and banging his fist on it every morning, so I decided to undo the screws on the top of it,what a laugh, he came up to it put his books down just as he started yabbering on and the top fell off the thing,he led a gestapo type inquiry into it till he found out it was me and never let me back to school after that, some of the class mates I can remember Noel Wilson, Kirk Biggins,Mick Badger,John Depleadge,Roy Pyecroft,Palty Daily,Andy Smith, all good lads wonder what happened to them all.

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Does anyone know what happened to Mr Marsh ?

Where he is now ?

I`d like to know what he thinks of my website, I`m pretty sure he`d like it !


Mr Marsh (aka Johnny Ball) the man was a legend, took me to a new level in Physics Jean Luc Pickard would be proud of without actually realising it, if you are reading this a big THANK YOU


Mr Agar Geography legend with that big old Princess he used to drive and frequently crash as he'd been to the pub prior to a lesson


Mrs Carson the History teacher anyone remember her.... sheds load of makeup, looked rather vintage when I was there 78-84, not a nice person and the reason I dropped History after the third year


Mr Bagley, Woodwork with the brown lab coat


Mr Adams the scary Motor vehicle technology teacher with the god awful checked jackets and the slicked back hair


Mr Salway obviously went to the same tailor as Mr Adams, come to think of it he was scary too, someone informed me he was a Chemistry teacher in a previous life and was part of the famous 'Chemistry twins' with Mr 'You boy' Spires


Mr Cartright aka Ben, always a bit wary of him however he stuck by me after an incident in the 5th form which involved the other party not taking his exams talking of which anyone remember Paul Castleton???


There was a really fit young English teacher there during my time with blonde hair any ideas?? can't remember her name

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I left in '84 having stayed on at 6th form-waste of time really as didn't go on to university. I married another ex-pupil from 2 years above called Paul ( nickname Shrimp). I don't remember him at all from school as I don't think he went much ( his last report said "presumed left")!!! The teachers I remember the best are Mr Smiles(History), Mr Agar(Geography),Mr Murphy,Mr Marsh, Mrs Neal, Mr Bowen, Mrs Barr (hated her as she was such a bitch - made you stand up on the table and speak French),Mrs Lewis (French) Mrs Carlson was my first form teacher, I was in S. Think it was for SCARY. I remember the other forms were ;L,G,H,E,M,O and X-think I've got that right. Remember John Wade's different coloured eyes but I don't remember any Latin.

My daughter is now a pupil there and some of the teachers are still there Smiles, Applehoff,Mrs Bowen,Mr Lancaster, Mr Agar retired last year and Mr Bowen this year ( I think). She loves most of her teachers and is doing so much better than me or my ex- husband ever did. Enjoyed 6th form best of all- managed to gain a bit of confidence by then!


You left the year I left, I stayed in the 6th form for a year and binned it for the same reason. Do you remember James Cooke, Craig Needham, Ritchie Cill to name but three?

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i really cannot imagine Mr smiles angry. I was a real pain at school but never once saw him really angry. I'm not saying he didn't, i'm simply saying i cannot picture him angry.


I made him angry once when I pulled out Raymond Carr's chair from under him and he ended up on the floor, still smiling about it after all these years...

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Eggy's 78 to 83

Oh my, lots of great memories came flooding back, all those teachers...a few to add to the list: Mr Mackenzie who married Miss McDowell, Mrs Taylor, The Bowens, Mr Taylor, Mrs Lewis, Mrs Gore, Mr Agar, Mr Adams to name but a few...sure I could think of a few more. I remember Miss Griffiths, she was my form teacher in year 7 and was a nervous wreck most of the time,I seem to remember she was off for quite a while "maybe some sort of breakdown" was the rumour...hope it wasn't anything to do with our class!!

Remember lots of class mates but don't keep in contact with anyone really, lost touch when I moved away in '85. Back in sheffield and loving the forum.

Take care all you ex Eggy's.


You would've been there when I was there, Miss McDowell who married Mr MacKenzie, she was the French teacher who hated me because I wasn't remotely interested in the subject, she said I would aspire to nothing and said this to the entire class... well Mrs M I am more highly qualified than you and I speak 3 languages and successfully run my own business so I really must be doing something correct

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You will have been in the same year as my brother.If I remember right our RE teacher went on to marry a pupil out of your year,and Mrs Barr was going out with the geography teacher (his name has slipped my mind)


Mrs Barr was married to someone else when she and Mr Agar got together, incidentally do you have a brother called Allan?

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