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Did Anybody Go To King Ecgberts?

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I was at King Ecgberts between 1961 - 68 (ish). I remember:

- catching the bus in Sheffield and having to wait until all the domestic cleaners got on the bus first.

- in the first year wearing the maroon beret at all times and dashing down to be first in line to get the bus home, By the second year we were strolling down and watching the new 1st years run past us!

- when we got snowed in and had to walk to the bus stop at Ecclesall as that's as far as the buses could reach. My knees were blue.

- buying a paddle shaped piece of licorice and a 2oz of cream soda in paper twist at the sweet shop in Dore

- creeping over the school boundary to build a den out of corrugated iron (for goodness sake!)

- weeping at all the old movies - Tale of Two Cities, Captain Hornblower, etc

- the terror in hockey when I had the ball and Miss Garrison took a swing at my stick legs to get possession. I let her have it - the ball that is!

- not having to play hockey 'cos the pitch was always flooded (hurrah)

- sneeking out to buy chips at lunch time at Totley Rise

- the last song of every term " The day thou gavest Lord, is ended, the darkness falls at thy behest"

- going on the day trip to York and the girls sewing up the hem of my skirt because it was too long. I had to untack it before I went home!


And was I the only one whose mother bought them the big maroon knickers with the pocket in them?

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I remember all those things! wow such a long time ago. The berets we always had to wear, the little sweet shop in Dore. Yes, I wore those awful knickers! We were the first kids to enter the school when it opened. It was a really nice school, I don't know what it's like now. I was terrified of Mrs. Coates. I can't remember the name of the Geography teacher, she always had her arms folded under her chest! The music teacher was also terrifying.


I now live near Seattle US and am married to a lovely american. Those days were awesome, I guess we had a good education.


Let me know how you are doing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I posted this on the other Forum site,in case you missed it -

I was at King Ecgberts between 1961 - 68 (ish). I remember:

- catching the bus in Sheffield and having to wait until all the domestic cleaners got on the bus first.

- in the first year wearing the maroon beret at all times and dashing down to be first in line to get the bus home, By the second year we were strolling down and watching the new 1st years run past us!

- when we got snowed in and had to walk to the bus stop at Ecclesall as that's as far as the buses could reach. My knees were blue.

- buying a paddle shaped piece of licorice and a 2oz of cream soda in paper twist at the sweet shop in Dore

- creeping over the school boundary to build a den out of corrugated iron (for goodness sake!)

- weeping at all the old movies - Tale of Two Cities, Captain Hornblower, etc

- the terror in hockey when I had the ball and Miss Garrison took a swing at my stick legs to get possession. I let her have it - the ball that is!

- not having to play hockey 'cos the pitch was always flooded (hurrah)

- sneeking out to buy chips at lunch time at Totley Rise

- the last song of every term " The day thou gavest Lord, is ended, the darkness falls at thy behest"

- going on the day trip to York and the girls sewing up the hem of my skirt because it was too long. I had to untack it before I went home!


And was I the only one whose mother bought them the big maroon knickers with the pocket in them?

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Hiya, I started at King Ecgberts in 1961, think it was Mrs Bormans class? It was 1o anyway. AND I had big maroon knickers with pockets in them!!! Went on into secretarial 6th with Mr Shaw and Daddy Stan and as for Captain Hornblower...that really turned the waterworks on! Still cant listen to "The day thou gavest Lord" without shedding a tear.

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Yes, I was in Miss Borman's class - French teacher? Very long neck as I remember. I had a pet mouse which meant I could stay in over lunch time to clean it out. Took it out one day in the field and popped it on the grass (why?) - it turned straight round and ran up my leg!. And the xenopus toads always kept escaping from the biology lab. Happy days!

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