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Did Anybody Go To King Ecgberts?

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  • 1 month later...

I was there between 1961 & 1966ish - left half way through 5th year. Remember the stitched beret-maroon nickers-Miss Garrison etc. My friend Jane & I skipped sports day-jumped on bus at Dore terminus -saw Miss Coates on side seat of BUS-JUMPED OFF double quick-thought we had escaped but got called out in assembley the following day.Happy days:)

:hihi:.[QUOTE=Manormaid;8574150]I was at King Ecgberts between 1961 - 68 (ish). I remember:

- catching the bus in Sheffield and having to wait until all the domestic cleaners got on the bus first.

- in the first year wearing the maroon beret at all times and dashing down to be first in line to get the bus home, By the second year we were strolling down and watching the new 1st years run past us!

- when we got snowed in and had to walk to the bus stop at Ecclesall as that's as far as the buses could reach. My knees were blue.

- buying a paddle shaped piece of licorice and a 2oz of cream soda in paper twist at the sweet shop in Dore

- creeping over the school boundary to build a den out of corrugated iron (for goodness sake!)

- weeping at all the old movies - Tale of Two Cities, Captain Hornblower, etc

- the terror in hockey when I had the ball and Miss Garrison took a swing at my stick legs to get possession. I let her have it - the ball that is!

- not having to play hockey 'cos the pitch was always flooded (hurrah)

- sneeking out to buy chips at lunch time at Totley Rise

- the last song of every term " The day thou gavest Lord, is ended, the darkness falls at thy behest"

- going on the day trip to York and the girls sewing up the hem of my skirt because it was too long. I had to untack it before I went home!


And was I the only one whose mother bought them the big maroon knickers with the pocket in them?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Obviously his pallet matured! Do you remember the Bowens? I always liked Mr Bowen good guy :thumbsup:

I went to Eggies between 1972 and 1978 (stayed on into Mr Shaw's Secretarial Sixth).


I remember Mr Bowen starting as a geography teacher (possibly 1973 or 74). He was lovely. At first I thought I was related as my mom's maiden name was Bowen. I was in Mr Short's form, he was great though extremely strict especially with the lads and disruptive kids (though compared to these days we were a dream I suppose. I did feel the school was very cliquey there was a very definite them and us mentality to the pupils. Why ever I couldn't have gone to a school nearer home is beyond me. Though it was great in the summer when we all used to hop off the bus and go to Millhouses Park for the day. However we got away with it I'll never know but we had great fun in the lido and caught the last bus of the day back home again.


I remember a Miss Liversidge (who I can't seem to see anyone else mentioning), who used to quote the phrase "Don't be facetious" every lesson, which we all found hilarious. She taught physics.


I recall a documentary being filmed at the school about the differing classes of people (very apt) and Mrs Perry taking it extremely seriously. We had to parade through the foyer in twos and I was pulled out of the line-up due to having a purple jumper on instead of maroon! I was a real rebel! I was really annoyed at the time but then again I can't remember the programme being aired at all. If it was I wonder if there is any way of seeing it. Can anyone else remember this?


Can anyone remember the lost property cupboard in Mr Solway's office and everyone making up what they'd lost so they could go and see what treasure they could procure, it was a right laugh. And the staff room being filled with soooo much smoke you couldn't see in there, it must have been awful for the non=smoking teachers (then again did everyone, including all the kids smoke in those days).


I remember Mr White and Mrs Merrills and Miss Carlton (though I don't remember being frightened of her). The English teacher (who's name just escapes me, who doubled up as the psychiatrist for the naughty kids).


Can anyone remember trying to get on the bus home and Ben Cartwright trying to assert some order to the queue. We all seemed to get on at once with bags getting stuck about 4 people behind you! Best part of the day!


Also when you were a fusty you had to avoid going anywhere near the grass bank or you would be flung down it.


I hated PE and Ms Garrison in particular seemed the archetypal pe teacher. Forcing us in the freezing showers, (with no bloody doors on and you had to turn around in it), how sodding embarrassing. Never once did I break up a sweat on that hockey pitch. I hated it with a passion. I was frightened to death of getting my ankles whacked. Also, once I was talking (as ususal) to my friend in the queue awaiting to bat at rounders, when Miss Garrison decided to lob the brick in leather at my head. She knocked me out. I was carried off the pitch. She would never have got away with it these days. Thank the lord some things have changed.


If anyone thinks they remember me from my memories mentioned, get in touch, amongst the kids in my class was a very serious kid called Gerald Gosnick Fieldsend and an equally serious girl called Lynn. They must both be GPs or psychiatrists or something of that ilk now. I don't think they would remember me I would have been far too facetious! :love:

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  • 1 month later...
She (the teacher) would never have got away with it these days. Thank the lord some things have changed.


That teacher went too far, assuming they did it on purpose, but I think it`s gone too far in the other direction now though, and it`s not positive for the future......

I wasn`t exactly a saint at school, but I see some of the things kids can do with impunity these days and I just can`t believe it. It`s really not doing them any favours for them to think they can go running to their parents everytime they`re disciplined or asked (no told, what`s wrong with them getting used to being told what to do) to do something.

Edited by Justin Smith
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I left in the 60's too I got reported to the headmistress for losing my hockey boots (I think maybe on purpose hated sport)They were very harsh from the moment the school opened maybe because it was all girls and a lot of us were only interested in pop music -- me included

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  • 2 weeks later...

Went there when the school first opened 1957.the headmistress was Miss Coates known as Kitty Cotton.Coates was a well known firm selling cotton items and most weeks she asked everyone to bring in some money for the school kitty!

There was an article about her last month when she celebrated her 100th Birthday

In 1957 it was state of the art in schools,all girls and just one male teacher Mr Shaw who taught Commerce Shorthand and Typing.


I was also there for a short time, 1959 - 1960(I moved from Carterknowle Junior School) and then out to the wilds of Derbyshire 1960. I remember the King Eggies Hall and daily assemblies , same music most days & The lovely school uniform -very expensive !

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