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Did Anybody Go To King Ecgberts?

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 02/08/2007 at 22:11, Mossy said:

Hello Morty, I was born in 1943 so I've worked out from the dates that you must have been in the first year when I was in the fourth. I'll give a few more details so you may remember who I am. I used to read the lesson at Harvest Festival and at Christmas Carol services. There was a house Drama competition when St Hilda's put on the first scene of Bernard Shaw's St Joan, I produced it but you know I can't remember whether I played St Joan or Robert de Baudricourt, probably the latter because I could lower my voice; I played Scrooge in 'A Christmas Carol' (oh dear, those mutton chop whiskers and spirit gum to hold them on, and the pain when taking them off; I produced the comedy 'The Happiest Days of Your Life' when you would have been in the second year. I was Mr Pond, the headmaster in that.


Mrs Singleton was a friend of my mother, also a teacher, (at High Storrs) but I too found Mrs. S. a bit forbidding, maybe because I was frightened of Science! I can't remember the music teacher's name at the moment but I do recall she wore quite heavy makeup and had a stylish close cropped hairstyle. I think she may have been succeeded by a Miss jacqueline Williams but I'm not sure.

Yes, I remember about Miss Coates and the hairdressing. Somebody else has posted that she was scary, but you know, a feminist heart beat under all that straight-laced stuff. She wanted the best for her girls and she made a success of the place.

Let's keep exchanging the memories.

All best, Mossy


On 01/08/2007 at 14:39, Morty said:

Hi Mossy I went to King Ecgberts straight from Grimesthorpe junior. I was born in 1947 so it was probably 1958. An older girl called Valerie Barratt took me on the two buses to show me the ropes. I was very grateful. Your post brought back many memories. Going with school to see the Halle. My first time ever. Having to sing a solo in one of the school productions. Miss Cole was my form mistress too. Can you remember the name of the Music mistress? I remember Mrs Singleton scared the hell out of me. In a previous psot I mentioned that Miss Coates would not hear of any of her girls going into hairdressing. Appointments were made for inverviews and the school arranged your first job. My class mates were Helen Wilkinson, Elizabeth Harrison, Elaine Joyce, Sandra Bonnet, Diane Gould etc.

Hi morty.  You're not Margaret are you.  Im Diane Gold.  Remember miss essenhigh who taught english?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

I came up from London in 1973. My Dad got a promotion with the Midland Bank. I started at K E in Jan 73 my nicknames were Cockney and Shirley, had a interesting time !! remember Russel sharpe, Ian Cooke, Owen Baker, Paddy!,  Angela Ruddy, Don Reeves, Rachel Porter, and many more, would love to reconnect with anyone who remembers me to help remember those years, Im on FB (Keith Bassi) so easy way to connect hope get some connections 

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On 05/02/2008 at 17:37, billy said:

trawled the aged and tired memory and un-earthed a few more names, Mrs Neal who was a really nice biology teacher, Mrs Storey, Miss Gillott who both worked in Housecraft with the very scary Mrs Higginbottom, Dr Opie who introduced us to the age of computers ( oh my it was huge ), Mr Bowers ( of ginger beard fame ), Mrs Jeffries, Mr Meakin - mad music maestro. Do you remember Mr Routh playing the piano for the lower school assembly? Between that and the clatter of Miss Rawlings high heels approaching it was difficult to keep a straight face.

I Think Mr Meakin daughter went same time as me(73/78) but could be completely wrong!!

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1 hour ago, Keith Bassi said:

I Think Mr Meakin daughter went same time as me(73/78) but could be completely wrong!!

I started at K.E.S in Aug 69 left in 71 we were among the first boys intake

me and a few pupils came from Greystones sec mod

MR Meakin - we called him musical Meakin was our form / music teacher there he must have arrived after 71 at K.E.S


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Mr Wade, three wheeler car and double base fame lol. 


I wonder if anyone remembers his little accident  whilst he was walking down the staff room stairs with a typewriter?


Somehow he ignited a box of matches in his trouser pocket 🥵

Edited by only_me
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On 20/08/2019 at 16:15, Bean Head said:

I left in 1985. I was in (Form M) Mr Ray was our year head

On 07/03/2018 at 14:31, pjo77 said:



Hi Carol

I was there and I was in the same class as Angela Bull and Sandra Chapman. We must have met before but I am useless with names in general - always have been so hopefully it is not the onset of dementia :)


I do remember Susan Howard, Gillian Ellis, Linda Phoenix, Pamela Cooper, Jennifer Staff, Margaret Doughty, Ann Swift, Hilary Barsbe , Beverley Young, Mary Anderson, Marie Arnold and Susan Hinchsliffe. Do any of those names ring a bell?


Joy (nee Laxen)

Anybody remember sheila Clark left in sep 1965


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  • 1 month later...

Just seen this thread about mandy bullock, Thats me! Please get in touch, we're you one of my classmates?

On 25/08/2019 at 17:16, green amethyst said:

Does anyone remember Mandy Bullock from Woodseats. I believe she would have left school in 1969/70.

Thank you in advance.

Thats me! Please get in touch, we're you one of my classmates?

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