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What would make you go to the Halcyon?


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So a city centre bar that is rammed needs to give stuff away? Sorry, but you've still not given me a reason for them to offer free or cheap drink just because somebody chooses to drive.


What's in it for the Halcyon?


Country pubs, maybe. Not the Halcyon.

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Make sure they don't lower the prices, or if they do, that they don't lower them too much...:thumbsup:


Exactly, we don't want the Yates/Lloyds crowd in.


I like Halcyon, it's more casual than most of up-your-own-arse bars round Division Street and smarter than the bars on West Street. They don't have a gormless dress code that ensures everyone looks like they work in Topman. It does get busy but it's not in the same league of sardine drinking as Lloyds or some of the other bars and it doesn't smell of chips like Yates.


If the Bath Hotel is realy packed I'm happy to drink in Halcyon.

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So a city centre bar that is rammed needs to give stuff away? Sorry, but you've still not given me a reason for them to offer free or cheap drink just because somebody chooses to drive.


What's in it for the Halcyon?


Country pubs, maybe. Not the Halcyon.


Well, in the current climate where bars can be shut down quicker than ever, it helps to have an image of caring for your customer - especially when dealing with the Police and licensing authorities.


Also, the OP was asking what might draw people in. This is one example of what might draw people in.


There would be no loss for the bar, because the mark up on post mix drinks is astronomical - they would cover the minimal amount given away with the Spirits and mixers that they sell. Most places allow staff to drink the coke etc gratis anyway.


Further, as previously stated, the big chains do it - and they don't tend to give things away lightly, I should know, I worked for one for long enough.


Anyway, I though Mods weren't allowed to troll....;)

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Hello all :)

I hear the Halcyon is under new management and i was wondering what everybody thought would make it be a brilliant bar again. I heard it used to be really busy, but every time i pass it it looks dead, and it got me to thinking what people would like to see it become, what would turn it around...

i was thinking some decent promos in the day... bloody mary recovery session sundays... spend cash in the forum shops and get discount with your receipt.... get some food on the go.... erm.... that kinda thing, but what about evenings? DJs? Nights? What would work?

What does everyone think?

Cheers OneSpeed :) x



I think the problem with the Halcyon is that although it is a cosy little venue, it basically only has one decently themed night and that is Flare Groove. The music is good and caters for the clientelle that goes down there to perfection. A lot of people are talking about ug and i can not see that night fitting in those surroundings and also i think they would not want the overkill as they do pride themselves in selecting venues. When i think of Halcyon, i think of over 21's, with an average age of 28.

So the music must reflect this age group, with out it being too heavy.

Drinks can be a tad expensive but no complaints from me.

One big moan is the sound system. it definately wants sorting out in a big way as it is very poor for a venue of its calibre.

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Well, in the current climate where bars can be shut down quicker than ever, it helps to have an image of caring for your customer - especially when dealing with the Police and licensing authorities.

Since when did the Police or Licensing Authorities give a hoot about what people charge for drinks? It is outside their remit and has absolutely no influence at all, regardless of how much the Halcyon "care" about their customers.


Also, the OP was asking what might draw people in. This is one example of what might draw people in.

Fair enough. I don't think that Halcyon would need to do this though.




There would be no loss for the bar, because the mark up on post mix drinks is astronomical

No loss? I think you have missed what small fact that the bar will lose the £2 that they apparently currently charge for a coke. Why should they? It's a business not a charity and I for one don't believe that it will create a single extra pound in revenue for a bar like Halcyon.


Why should the other customers subsidise teetotallers? :huh:

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Since when did the Police or Licensing Authorities give a hoot about what people charge for drinks? It is outside their remit and has absolutely no influence at all, regardless of how much the Halcyon "care" about their customers.


They don't they care about the fact that people go out, get hammered and then cause a nuisance of themselves. The aim of the scheme is to discourage drink driving, to impact on the fuss caused by drunken people at taxi ranks etc...I'm not for a minute suggesting it has changed anything, merely pointing out that it is in operation - and is seen as a good thing to be a part of by those people who oversee licensed premises.


This is the closest I can find to an example, but it gives you an idea of the wider picture with regards to 'social responsability'



Fair enough. I don't think that Halcyon would need to do this though.


I've not once said that they do!


No loss? I think you have missed what small fact that the bar will lose the £2 that they apparently currently charge for a coke. Why should they? It's a business not a charity and I for one don't believe that it will create a single extra pound in revenue for a bar like Halcyon.


Why should the other customers subsidise teetotallers? :huh:


A hell of a lot of companies use loss leaders. And if you can tell me where I suggested a price rise for other customers, I'll accept your point. However, the price for mixers need not be changed, there is enough profit made to offset any loss.

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Well for myself I would like somewhere that puts as much thought into non alcoholic drinks as alcoholic ones (I'm sick of being made to feel a freak cos I don't drink!) and somewhere where the background music is a background so I can actually talk to people!

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