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Can you put a Price on the value of a Life?


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as long as quality of life is there, i would put no limit to vet bill on any pet i own, be it furred, feathered or scaled. My record to date is my ginger tom, bagpuss, who has clocked up vet bills of over £1000 for bladder stone problems. now thankfully resolved for good by a combination of surgery (£850) and special diet.

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No way can you put a price on the value of life. I would do anything for any of my pets. My rabbit died in my arms not long ago and I cried and cried for days. When I told people what happened the laughed at me and said "its only a rabbit". but its not only a rabbit, animals become part of our lives and to me they are my babies. I have had certain people visit me before and seen my cats roam the house and do as they please and see them asleep on my bed and they ask "why do you let them sleep on your bed" I see it as its their house as well as mine so they do as they please.

A couple of months ago I was considering getting a labrador but when my rabbit died i was a bit put off as I was so upset. I have always wanted a labrador but after my rabbit died Im scared to consider another pet on top of my cats.

Some people just dont understand how much animals mean to people.

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Its nice to know that there are still ethical vets out there, you hear so much negative press about them ripping people off.


They do rip people off though. Perhaps less owners would consider having their pets put to sleep if some vets didn't charge such outrageous prices for treatment that costs a tenth of the bill . I would never have my own animals put to sleep if I couldn't afford their bills, but have been in the position of being totally ripped off on several occasions.

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But for those who cant afford the bill, what do they do? Some would argue that they shouldnt have pets in the first place or should have taken out insurance, but lets face it, there are some bills that people just cant prepare for.


I am fortunate in that, so far, I have always been able to cover the cost of my animals healthcare.

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They do rip people off proposterously! We were charged £130 for an antihistamine injection out of hours for Takara.


I think that most vets offer an account don't they? I think anyone who can't afford to foot the bill should be allowed to pay regular installments on an account at the vets.

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Yes I forgot about that. Its with interest though isnt it? Still if its going to save a life. I agree there are some vets out there that take advantage of peoples love for animals but as medusa pointed out, there are good vets out there too.

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I wouldnt put a price on improving the life of any of my animals. A few weeks after I got my rabbit leo he developed a severe head tilt. His brain was telling him he was the wrong way up because of the infection so he just used to lay on his back. The first vet I l took him too in crookes said the kindest thing to do would be to have him put to sleep. I refused as I had done my research prior to the visit and knew it was curable with a lengthy period of antibiotics. He ended up costing me £400 but he was worth every penny. I was really annoyed at the animal sanctuary for selling him me with an ear infection as he had obviosuly been suffering for weeks.


Some vets just dont seem to care about small animals. The best vets I have found by far is Peak Vets in woodseats they care so much about every animal they treat and will try there hardest to make them better.

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No, you can't put a price on life. When I was a student (some years ago!) I found a big ginger cat in the middle of Ecclesall Rd which had been run over. To my surprise it wasn't dead but conscious, even though cars were still driving over it (wheels either side of it). Nobody stopped to help. It was really early in the morning and no-one was answering doors, no collar, so couldn't track down an owner quickly and anyway, time was pressing for the cat. So I did the only thing I could do and took it to my own vets and offered to foot the bill for treatment.


Happy ending - the cat had a broken jaw and concussion and made a full recovery, and I managed to find the owner who did pay the cat's bill and was very grateful.


I know I could have ended up in a lot of financial trouble but I couldn't leave him to die and I'm still proud of what I did. :) I guess you just hope someone would do the same for your animals.

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