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Idiots in theatres with mobile phones *rant*

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Hi Plain Talker. I take it from the tone of your rant you were slightly upset. I sympathise, and tell you that if it’s any consolation we ued to get slightly less interruptions — annoyeing but withstandable — from people coughing, sneezing and crunching bags of Smith’s Crisps; the only crisps around in those days.


I’m annoying, I know, but apart from those wonderful electronic contraptions did you enjoy the play?

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Yeah it was me, I just do it to wind people up, I get a kick out of been inconsiderate........ I also drive through puddles to wet people, try and knock cyclists of their bikes, go through traffic lights on red, serve people in shops in a surly manner and generally be awkward..............

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I'm glad it's not just me who is as irritated with this issue.



Re the "innapropriate laughter" :- I was sat right at the back left, up in "the Gods". The laughter seemed to be coming from the far left hand side, as you look at the stage.


It sounded to me like the kind of "outbursts" that someone with a severe learning disability would make (speaking as someone who used to nurse people with LD's) that didn't bother me.


There was no tannoy announcement made, prior to the performance, which said <tongue in cheek mode> "Would all audience members accompanying people with mental handicaps please ensure that they are bound and gagged during the performance.." </tongue in cheek mode>.


noises like that a) don't faze me,

and b) can't be helped.


the noise of a mobile phone going off, in a quiet theatre, is very intrusive and distracting. That CAN be helped.


At one point, Nigel Harman had to raise his voice, considerably, in order that his speech be heard over the ringing of phones.

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