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Sheffields Doom and Gloom


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Im going to be totally selfish here and use all the current doom and gloom to my advantage...while it is sad news that the 2/3 venues have been passed to the dark side, there are other nights to go to if people wish to look and the as some of you will be aware Razor and UG have already got new homes..

There are still events going on ..its not perfect but we should make the most of what we have and build on it...

Throughout all this negativity its been interesting to read on various forums and threads about what there isnt to do anymore, and yet we at Hustle we have been working our arse off over the last 3 years to put together great parties and bring quality DJs to Sheffield..and yet hardly a mention.

This is a genuine question cause Im genuinely interested in peoples opinions on Hustle. Its not self publicity for the sake of it. Its a question that has popped up from hearing so many peoples opinions of the clubbing scene in Sheffield over the last few weeks..

.....is Hustle taken for granted as an established part of the city's nightlife or dismissed as irrelevent. Needless to say Im leaving myself wide open here but wtf...

..before commenting please bare in mind that since March 2004 we have brought to the city the following DJs...Graeme Park, Danny Rampling, Slammin Boys, John Julius Knight, Joey *****, Tim Sheridan, Paul Woolford, Norman Jay, DJ Disciple, Steve Angello, E Smoov, Smokin Jo, Audiowhores, Buckley, Phil Asher, Eric Prydz, Bobby & Steve...and there someone Ive probably forgot but you get the point.


Without doubt no other house event has brought so much talent to this city in the last 3 years.


Im intrested in your comments



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D - i've never been to Hustle but certainly don't dismiss it. Some excellent dj names there...


..but i know a lot of people who have and they all speak highly of it......i think it's reknowned for being a quality night in its field- i just think there aren't many people who like that type of house music who use this forum (could be wrong)....don't want to give the game away but i think on internet forums a lot of the time it is the promoter/dj and a few of their mates/djs making most the noise. Am speaking from experience...(awaiting backlash)...maybe your crowd all have proper jobs heheheheh......


Is this is a self-flagellation or self-esteem issue ?

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Its the old Sheffield cliche. When its happening peeps dont talk about it and when its gone they complain theres no where to go. (Never miss your water, till ya well runs dry)

By far Sheffields number 1 soulful house night which stands strong with out the need of guest djs.

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..before commenting please bare in mind that since March 2004 we have brought to the city the following DJs...Graeme Park, Danny Rampling, Slammin Boys, John Julius Knight, Joey *****, Tim Sheridan, Paul Woolford, Norman Jay, DJ Disciple, Steve Angello, E Smoov, Smokin Jo, Audiowhores, Buckley, Phil Asher, Eric Prydz, Bobby & Steve...and there someone Ive probably forgot but you get the point.


Without doubt no other house event has brought so much talent to this city in the last 3 years.


Im intrested in your comments




Apart from Pin-Up!!!!

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........i think it's reknowned for being a quality night in its field- i just think there aren't many people who like that type of house music who use this forum (could be wrong)....




Without a doubt..I think its fair to say if I did a survey using our customers the majority would say ''Sheffield what..its near the Halcyon'''..LOL

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Is this is a self-flagellation or self-esteem issue ?


Not totally sure...not a self esteem issue I dont think cause we always get the numbers in and everyone has a good time...its just feeling out what is around the corner I guess...are Sheffield people actually interested in quality clubbing still, will the numbers of people double or half in the next 6 month, is there any reason to book guest DJs...

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Its the old Sheffield cliche. When its happening peeps dont talk about it and when its gone they complain theres no where to go. (Never miss your water, till ya well runs dry)

By far Sheffields number 1 soulful house night which stands strong with out the need of guest djs.


See thats an interesting comment straight away...do we need to spend ridiculous amounts of cash on guests or will people turn up anyway...Ive always thought that to get larger numbers out than your average night that the Guest had to have some celebrity value

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i take your point and Chris's as well. BUT If you're worrying about people not talking about Hustle or taking it for granted then you will be severely wrong.


The people I have spoken to in the last couple of days are well up for what you are doing and more importantly will support you in the most important form...bums through the doors and feet on the dancefloor.

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Hey dimitry, where is hustle held? how often? I like my house. A lot. Thing is, i've only vaguely heard of your night. there's a big problem with publicity for nights out in sheffield. used to go to scuba, coz i knew it was on every saturday. don't really want to risk somewhere new, unless friends are going or i know the dj.


but hustle sounds like it's worth a visit.....so give us more info please!

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