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Any old pitsmoor lads on here

Arfer Mo

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This my class of 1935 at All Saints Cof E pitsmoori [if I can download it]if any of you are still alive, or if someone remembers any of them my name is Arthur Fearnehough and would be pleased to hear from them.can any one tell me how to get this photo on the forum?

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  • 4 years later...

Arthur, I recognised you on the photo. This is your old friend Les Parker. My brother Geoff told me that he had seen references to you on this forum, so I registered in order to try to contact you after all these years. I don't really know how to do it but hope this reply might bear some fruit.


regards, Les Parker, otherwise, Longplayer.

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Hi Arthur and Longplayer what part of Pitsmoor did you live in? The reason i ask is because the area in part looks like it was pretty well to do in years gone bye. I know a lot of those big houses became bedsits and flats in later years but they didnt start off that way. I also lived in the area but many years after you mention. As you might know Pitsmoor has greatly changed over the years.

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Many thanks to you Jim Hardie for your PM which I received by email. Because I am a new boy on this forum I am not allowed to send you a PM in reply. I will be giving Arthur a call probably at the week-end. Thanks again for your help,

Kind regards,


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Hi Arthur and Longplayer what part of Pitsmoor did you live in? The reason i ask is because the area in part looks like it was pretty well to do in years gone bye. I know a lot of those big houses became bedsits and flats in later years but they didnt start off that way. I also lived in the area but many years after you mention. As you might know Pitsmoor has greatly changed over the years.


I was born at 72 Petre Street, near to Sutherland Road, and lived there for about 14 years. Arthur lived round the corner in Earldom Street. The area could never be described as well to do, the houses were simple two up, two down with a cellar, attic and slop kitchen. Most houses were built with backyards, very few had any kind of garden. The people were good honest folk, the men were hardworking (they had to be in the thirties), their wives kept house and looked after the kids who went to All Saints School.

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I was born at 72 Petre Street, near to Sutherland Road, and lived there for about 14 years. Arthur lived round the corner in Earldom Street. The area could never be described as well to do, the houses were simple two up, two down with a cellar, attic and slop kitchen. Most houses were built with backyards, very few had any kind of garden. The people were good honest folk, the men were hardworking (they had to be in the thirties), their wives kept house and looked after the kids who went to All Saints School.


Thanks Longplayer, I also lived on Sutherland road in later years than you but know what you mean. I also wondered about the bigger houses that were on Burngreave road etc. I also Once lived on Abbeyfield road and those houses were fairley large. There must have been some middle class parts of Pitsmoor? Not that i was ever middle class lol.

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  • 1 year later...

hi just found this site ..used to live on cranworth rd in 70's lee jackson went to pye bank n used to go out with susan knight (not seen her for 30 years now) knocked about with alan sellars,mark payne alan healy ,sam somerset,used to go to roxys on tuesdays

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Burngreave Road was a middle class area before the 50s and the houses owned by Doctors and people in high positions.

Scott Road was also the same with some rear gardens having there own orchards.

The woodside area of Pitsmoor was a different story altogether as was much of the lower Burngreave area where it was an area of back to back houses and squalor

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I was born in 1933 on Fox St and brought up there by my grandparents. My parents lived on Woodside Lane so I had a foot on both sides of Schoolboard hill (that's how I remember Andover St being called up to Pye Bank). After the blitz my grandma and grandad moved to Cheshire and I went with them, and I thank the Lord for that, but it was only for a few years.

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